SELKIE (Sealwere)

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Cold Saltwater Surface], [Cold Saltwater Depths])
NO. APPEARING: 1 or 12-30
MOVE: 12" // 36"
% IN LAIR: 0 or 90%
TREASURE TYPE: [A] (magic only), [R]
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type or 1-6
INTELLIGENCE: Average to exceptional
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (good)
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: III | 75 + 4

The selkie is a seal-like creature able to take human form for a few days and becomes a sort of sealwere.
The selkie will usually take human form
to be able to visit a human community to trade for or purchase certain
suppliesor items needed by its group.
The habitat of the selkie is marine and cold-temperate to subarctic.
They lair in large caverns or grotto complexes having both air and water areas, <complices?>
because selkie young must breathe air until they have grown to half-size (about 1 year of age).

Selkies are omnivorous, eating fish, shellfish, crustaceans, and various
forms of seaweed. They can also eat human fare, and they relish wine.
In human form a selkie will have some weapon, but in its seal-like form
the creature cannot carry a weapon and swim rapidly. Therefore, selkies
encountered underwater are 90% likely to be unarmed and will usually
attack by biting. Any weapon possessed by a selkie will be used if
necessary, especially in defense of the home.

A selkie community will be divided between males && females, with
slightly more females in most cases.The two sexes are equal.The leader
will be an old selkie able to perform the following powers:
augury cure light wounds cure disease weather summoning control weather

Each is usable 1 per round, once per day, except weather spells which require 1 week of REST between castings and are used only in dire need for exacting revenge.

Treasure: The treasure of a selkie community is gathered from ships lost at sea and
from sea creatures. Thus, they are likely to own many pearls. Monetary
treasure of this sort is kept principally for trade. Magical treasure is also
garnered from sunken ships and used to aid and protect the community.

Description: In human form selkies arevery attractive and fine looking. Their eyes are
particularly bright. When in true form, they are nearly indistinguishable
from seals. Close examination, however, will reveal arms with slightly
webbed hands instead of foreflippers, and legs rather than a tapering
body and rear flippers.