
Enc.: -
XP: 1,000
GP: 6,500 (1,300 ch'ien)

This large (10- to 20-foot long) item is a portable shrine devoted to a particular deity. <(Chinese deities, Japanese deities)>

It is carried like a palanquin, (i.e. by poles supported by bearers), and requires 20 men to move it about.
Many monasteries and temples have a minyan and they are often carried into battle by a squad of sohei.
The minyan has the following powers:

Cause fear: The minyan forces any being of a different ethos from that represented by the minyan to make a successful saving throw versus spell or flee in panic for one turn.
This power has a radius of 3" and is constantly in effect.
Remove curse: Three times per day the minyan can be used to cast a remove curse as if cast by a 20th-level spell caster.
Presence: When used on the battlefield, the sight of the minyan improves the morale of friendly sohei by 10%.
Ancient curse: Once per month the minyan can be used to cast an ancient curse.
Heal: Once per week the minyan can be used to cast a heal spell.

As noted above, minyan are most commonly held by monasteries or temples and are placed in the charge of the
abbot or a person designated by him. Since the power of the minyan is derived from the deity it represents, it
must be property cared for to be effective. Appropriate offerings to the deity and incense must be placed daily
before the minyan and services must be said by a shukenja of the same religion. Those charged with the care of
the minyan and those who seek its aid must be of the proper ethos or alignment. On holy days of the deity, the
minyan must be paraded through the streets and shown to the population, so that they may see and respect the
deity represented. Should any of these duties be neglected, the minyan permanently loses all its power.

<right concept, though the baku is technically not a deity in 1e>