Magical Items Usable by Character Class Random Treasure Determination Modifications to Standard Magical Items Table 74: Treasure Types Table II.A. (Orient): Monetary Treasure
Table III. (Orient): Magical Items Scrolls Armor and Shield Weapons -
Oriental Magical Items - - - Oriental Adventures

One of the goals of any character is to accumulate treasure, and those of the Oriental world are no different.
Money && magic is power -- the power to influence destiny and the power to influence others.
The treasure characters find gives them access to this power, although how they choose to use it is another matter.
The info in this section supplements the info given in the DMG. Most of the
magic items presented there can be found in the world of the Orient. What is given here are magical items
peculiar to the Oriental world and the necessary tables and information to integrate them into a campaign.

Magical Items Usable by Character Class

When using magical items described in the DMG, the restrictions on items usable by
character classes are applied for Oriental characters as follows:
Class Item Usable By
Samurai Fighter
Sohei Fighter, Clerics except for staves
Shukenja Cleric
Bushi Fighter
Kensai Fighter
Wu Jen Magic-user
Ninja Thief
Yakuza Thief

Random Treasure Determination

The procedure given in the DMG is used to randomly determine treasures and magical items, with the
exception of Table 74: Monetary Treasure and Magical Items. When it is necessary to roll on these tables, use
the versions given here, not the tables printed in the DMG. Furthermore, there is an additional table, Table 86:
Oriental Magical Items, for randomly selecting the magical items described in this book. Table II.A. (ORIENT)
and Table III (ORIENT) replace Tables II.A. and III (on pages 120 and 121 of the DMG) in the world of
Oriental Adventures.

Modifications to Standard Magical Items

Although the majority of the magical items presented in the DMG are available
throughout the world of the Orient, there are some that are particularly occidental. These items do not appear
normally in the Oriental world or, if they do, are somewhat different from those listed in the DMG. There may
be little or no use for the items in the Oriental setting or they may not be items that would be found within the
culture. This is not to say they cannot appear, only that their construction and use is far from common. As a
general rule, if any of the items listed below do appear as presented in the DMG in an Oriental setting, it is
because they have been brought in by gajin, imported as curiosities, or assembled by some inspired (or
deranged) spell caster.

Furthermore, the items given in the DMG are generally (although not always) occidental in form and
function. For example, a lyre is a known musical instrument in occidental lands. However, in the Orient, the
same item may take the form of a samisen or flute. Likewise, a cloak might become a robe or jacket, boots
become sandals, bags become boxes, etc. It is the DM's decision to after the form of any item. This does not
affect the function of the item in any way.

Treasure Type 1000 
Gems Art 
Maps & Magic
A 1-6: 25% 1-3: 30% 2-20: 35% 1-3: 40% 4-40: 60% 1-6: 50% Any 3: 30%
B 1-8: 50% 1-6: 25% 10-40: 25% nil 1-8: 30% 1-2: 20% Sword, armor, or misc. weapon: 10%
C 1-12: 20% 1-6: 30% 1-10: 10% nil 1-6: 25% 1: 20% Any 2: 10%
D 1-8: 10% 1-10: 15% 10-60: 35% nil 1-6: 30% 1-3: 25% Any 2 plus 1 potion: 15%
E 1-10: 5% 1-10: 25% 10-60: 25% nil 1-8: 15% 1-4: 10% Any 2 plus 1 scroll: 25%
F nil 3-18: 10% 20-80: 30% 1-8: 35% 2-20: 20% 1-6: 10% Any 3 except swords or misc. weapons plus 1 potion & 1 scroll: 30%
G nil nil 10-40: 50% 2-16: 50% 2-12: 30% 1-6: 25% Any 4 plus 1 scroll: 35%
H 5-30: 25% 1-100: 40% 20-80: 45% 4-40: 25% 1-100: 50% 10-30: 50% Any 4 plus 1 potion & 1 scroll: 15%
I nil nil nil 2-12: 30% 1-10: 55% 1-6: 50% Any 1: 15%
J 3-24 pieces nil nil nil nil nil nil
K nil 4-24 pieces nil nil nil nil nil
L nil nil 2-12 pieces nil nil nil nil
M nil nil 4-24 pieces nil nil nil nil
N nil nil nil 1-6 pieces nil nil nil
O 1-4: 25% 1-6: 20% nil nil nil nil nil
P nil 2-8: 30% 1-10: 25% nil nil nil nil
Q nil nil nil nil 1-4: 50% nil nil
R nil nil 10-40: 40% 10-30: 50% 3-24: 55% 1-6: 45% nil
S nil nil nil nil nil nil 2-8 potions: 40%
T nil nil nil nil nil nil 1-4 scrolls: 50%
U nil nil nil nil 10-40: 90% 2-20: 80% 1 of each magic except potions & scrolls: 70%
V nil nil nil nil nil nil 2 of each magic except potions & scrolls: 70%
W nil nil 10-100: 60% 1-8: 15% 10-40: 60% 3-30: 50% 1 map: 55%
X nil nil nil nil nil nil 1 misc. magic & 1 potion: 60%
Y nil nil 10-60: 70% nil nil nil nil
Z 1-3: 20% 2-8: 25% 20-60: 25% 1-3: 30% 5-30: 55% 3-18: 50% Any 3: 50%

Q: What are art objects? How much
are they worth? How do you determine
the value of gems found in an
Oriental campaign?

A: Art objects include calligraphic manuscripts
(usually poetry), paintings, porcelain,
statuettes of semi-precious stone, and
other such objects. Use the jewelry table
on page 26 of the DMG for the value of art
objects, and the DMG gems tables (pages
25-27) for gems.

Table II.A. (Orient): Monetary Treasure
D20 Roll Result
1-2 10,000-40,000 fen, 10,000-60,000 yuan
3-5 10,000-60,000 tael
6-10 500-1000 ch'ien (1d6 + 4)
11-12 500-200 ch'ien (5d4)
13-15 10-100 gems
16-17 5-50 pieces of jewelry or art objects
18 Roll twice, rerolling rolls above 17
19 Roll three times, rerolling rolls above 17
20 One of each treasure above

Table III. (Orient): Magical Items
D100 Roll Results
01-10 Potions (IIIA.)*
11-35 Scrolls (IIIB.)
36-40 Rings (IIIC.)
41-45 Rods, Staves & Wands (IIID.)
46-47 Miscellaneous Magic (IIIE.1)
48-49 Miscellaneous Magic (IIIE.2)
50-51 Miscellaneous Magic (IIIE.3)
52-53 Miscellaneous Magic (IIIE.4)
54-55 Miscellaneous Magic (IIIE.5)
56-60 Oriental Magical Items
61-75 Armor & Shields
76-100 Magical Weapons

* Parentheses refer to tables in the DMG, pages 121-124.


Potion of Dragon Control +
Potion of Giant Control +
Potion of Human Control +
Potion of Undead Control +


When determining the type of scroll found, use the standard rules given in the DMG, treating
magic-users as wu jen and clerics as shukenja. In addition, 5% of all scrolls found contain gajin spells - either
magic-user or clerical. Such spells can be used by wu jen and shukenja respectively and even added to spell
books (in the case of the wu jen).

Protection from Devils +
Protection from Shapechangers: This scroll includes all hengeyokai and spirit creatures able to change their form.
<there is no prot. from shapechangers scroll in either the DMG or UA: the closest is protection from lycanthropes>
Protection from Undead +

Rods, Staves, and Wands

Rod of Resurrection +
<check spelling>

Miscellaneous Magic

Boots of Elvenkind +
Instruments of the Bards +
Bucknard's Everful Purse +
Broom of Animated Attack +
Broom of Flying +
Cloak of Elvenkind +
Instruments of the Bards +
Manual of Golems +

Armor and Shield

To determine the type of magical armor found and its properties, the DM should
randomly roll on the following tables or select from these tables the features he wants. The first step is to roll on
Table 75 to determine the armor type. After determining the type of armor, roll on Tables 76 + 77 to determine
its properties.

Table 75: Magical Armor
D100 Roll Armor Type
01-04 Banded
05 Buckler
06-12 Chain
13-16 Do-maru
17 Haidate
18-22 Hara-ate
23-26 Hara-ate-gawa
27-30 Haramaki
31-35 Haramaki-do
36-44 Hide
45-46 Kote
47-55 Leather
56-62 O-yoroi
63-66 Padded
67-70 Ring
71-74 Scale, leather
75-78 Scale, metal
79-82 Shield, large
83-86 Shield, medium
87 Sode, pair *
86-92 Splinted
93-99 Studded
100 Gajin armor (roll on the DMG Armor and Shield Table)

Table 76. Magical Armor Properties
D100 Roll Property
01-40 Armor of quality *
41-65 + 1
66-80 + 2 or + 1 if armor piece
81-85 + 3 or + 1 if armor piece
86-88 + 4 or + 1 if armor piece
89-90 + 5 or + 1 if armor piece
91-100 Special property, roll again on Table 77 *

* Armor of quality and pieces of armor can never have a special property.

Table 77: Special Properties
D100 Roll Special Property
01-05 Etherealness
06-30 + 3 versus missiles
31-40 + 4 versus missiles
41-50 + 5 versus missiles
51-65 Vulnerability
66-75 Missile attraction
76-80 Presence
81-85 Blending
86-90 Fear
91-95 Possession
96-100 Healing

Explanation of Armor Properties

Armor of Quality: This armor is not magical in any way, but is armor of such exceptionally fine
construction that it has special properties. It has no bonus to its AC, but is light and highly flexible. It
is treated as one encumbrance class less than normal. It is decorated with fine artistic taste and quality, making
it 2d4 times more valuable than normal.

Etherealness: The armor has the ability to make the wearer ethereal as per armor of etherealness in the DMG.

Vulnerability: The armor functions as armor of vulnerability as per the DMG. The + 1, + 2, + 3, etc. of
the armor (determined from the Armor Property Table) is actually a penalty to the wearer's Armor Class.

Missile Attraction: The armor or shield has been cursed and functions identically to the missile attractor shield presented
in the DMG when determining if the character is the target of a missile attack. The + 1, + 2, etc. of the
armor (as determined above) is actually a negative modifier to the AC.

Presence: The armor magically bestows on its wearer a dignified and commanding aura.
While wearing the armor, the character is treated as if he has an 18 Charisma for all encounter reactions. Friendly troops within
12" of the wearer have their morale raised by 10%. The armor is quite distinctive and only has its effect when
visible to others. As such, the character cannot hope to use the powers of the armor and hide unnoticed in a

Blending: This armor looks like normal armor and a detect magic will not reveal its special property.
However, when the command word is spoken, the armor changes shape && form, appearing to all as a set of
normal clothing. The armor retains all its properties and functions normally, even when disguised. The true
nature of the armor can only be seen by the use of a true seeing spell.

Fear: This armor looks like normal armor and a detect magic only reveals that it is magical. However,
the armor contains 2d4 fear charges when found. Upon uttering the command word, the wearer radiates a fear
aura to a 30-foot radius. All creatures within this radius must make a saving throw versus spell or flee in panic
for one turn. The wearer is immune to this effect. Each use expends one charge (2d10 charges when found).
When all charges are spent, the armor functions as normal + 1 armor. It cannot be recharged.

Possession: This armor appears to be a normal suit of magical armor and provides the protection of
whatever plus is determined from Table 76. However, in making the armor, the craftsman has invested more
than the normal effort. The armor has absorbed or stolen the personality and lifeforce of its maker. The first
time the armor is donned and once per day thereafter, the DM must secretly roll a save vs. spell for
the character wearing the armor. If the saving throw is successful, nothing happens. However, if the saving
throw is failed, the lifeforce contained within the armor successfully possesses the character. The possession is
not a sudden occurrence, but rather a gradual insinuation of the new personality into the character's psyche. This
takes 3d4 days. At first the change is hardly noticeable-a few odd quirks not evidenced before and a certain
possessiveness toward the armor. As the days go by, the possession becomes stronger and more pronounced.
The character leaves off from his old friends, as the armorer's personality takes over. He abandons old haunts,
roaming the streets searching for places the possessing personality once knew. He has memories that are not his.
He refuses to abandon or remove the armor. At the end of the given time period, the character is entirely
possessed by the armor. As such, the character does not recognize his old friends, remember events of his own
life, or perhaps even the abilities of his character class. He may change his name, adopt a new alignment,
display abilities of a new character class, etc. If he is not freed of the possession, the character becomes an NPC
under the control of the DM. The possession can be broken by an exorcism spell, which destroys the personality
of the armor. A dispel magic releases the character from the possession long enough to remove the armor, but
does not cancel any personality traits the character may have already absorbed. If the possessing influence is
destroyed, the armor loses all its magical properties.

Healing: This armor appears to be normal magical armor. However, once per day, it automatically heals
the wearer of 2d6 points of damage (whether desired or not). It does this without warning or set time. Each
healing takes one charge and the armor has 3d10 charges when found. When all the charges are spent, the armor
becomes + 1 magical armor.


Magical Weapons: If a magical weapon is rolled on Table III, roll on Table 78 to determine the general type of weapon.
Then roll on Table 79 to find the magical property of the weapon.
Finally, roll on the appropriate table of Tables 80-85 to determine the specific type of weapon.

Table 78: Magical Weapons
D100 Roll Weapon Class
01-40 Sword
41-52 Bow, crossbow, or sling
53-68 Miscellaneous melee weapon
69-80 Missile weapon
81-90 Martial arts weapon
91-100 Ninja weapon

D% Bow X G Ch' * Missile X G Ch' * Melee X G Ch' * Martial Arts X G Ch' * Ninja X G Ch'
01-05 Quality - - - * +1 damage - - - * Quality - - - * Quality - - - * Quality - - -
06-10 Quality - - - * +1 damage - - - * Quality - - - * Quality - - - * Quality - - -
11-15 Quality - - - * +1 damage - - - * Quality - - - * Quality - - - * Quality - - -
16-20 Quality - - - * +1 damage - - - * Quality - - - * Quality - - - * +1 - - -
21-25 Quality - - - * +1 damage - - - * Quality - - - * Quality - - - * +1 - - -
26-30 Quality - - - * +1 damage - - - * +1 - - - * +1 - - - * +1 - - -
31-35 +1 to hit - - - * +1 damage - - - * +1 - - - * +1 - - - * +1 - - -
36-40 +1 to hit - - - * +1 damage - - - * +1 - - - * +1 - - - * +1 - - -
41-45 +1 to hit - - - * +1 damage - - - * +1 - - - * +1 - - - * +2 - - -
46-50 +1 to hit - - - * +2 damage - - - * +1 - - - * +1 - - - * +2 - - -
51-55 +1 to hit - - - * +2 damage - - - * +2 - - - * +1 - - - * +2 - - -
56-60 +2 to hit - - - * +2 damage - - - * +2 - - - * +2 - - - * +2 - - -
61-65 +2 to hit - - - * +2 damage - - - * +2 - - - * +2 - - - * +3 - - -
66-70 +3 to hit - - - * +2 damage - - - * +3 - - - * +2 - - - * +3 - - -
71-75 +1 - - - * +3 damage - - - * +3 - - - * +3 - - - * +3 - - -
76-80 +2 - - - * +1 - - - * +1, +2 vs. S - - - * SPEED 1500 7500 1500 * Detection - - -
81-85 -1, cursed - - - * +1 - - - * +1, +2 vs. L - - - * Dancing +4400 +22k +4400 * Balance - - -
86-90 Distance +1 1500 7500 1500 * +2 - - - * Disruption 1750 17,500 3,500 * Unbreakable - - - * Flame - - -
91-95 Accuracy +3 + + + * +3 - - - * -1, cursed - - - * Unbreakable - - - * Venom 350 3500 700
96-100 SPEED 1500 7500 1500 * Slaying 250 2500 500 * Intelligence - - - * Roll twice - - - * Roll twice - - -

* <EM lists 50 XP and 300 GP, but this is for a arrow (missile weapon) of accuracy, not for the 'bow' itself, as listed above.
A small error: use something close to the DMG values for a crossbow of accuracy +3 for these weapons: 2kxp, 12kgp, 2.4kch>
<edit this note>

<note: some links may have to be checked -- e.g. is a crossbow of accuracy correctly linking to the accuracy.htm page in the DMG?>


D100 Roll Sword Type
01-30 Katana
31-35 Parang
36-50 Sword, broad
51-65 Sword, long
66-80 Sword, short
81-85 Sword, two-handed
86-100 Wakizashi

Table 81: Bow, Crossbow, And Sling Class
D100 Roll Type
01-15 Composite shortbow
16-30 Short bow
31 Chu-ko-nu
32-45 Crossbow, heavy
46-60 Crossbow, light
61-80 Daikyu
81-90 Hankyu
91 Pellet bow
92-96 Sling
97-100 Staff sling

Table 82: Miscellaneous <check headings>
D100 Roll Type
01-05 Axe, battle
06-15 Bo stick
16-30 Dagger
31-45 Halberd
46-48 Jo stick
49-54 Kama
55 Lajatang
56-60 Lance
61-65 Nagasaki <??>
66-75 Naginata
76-90 Spear
91-95 Tetsubo
96-100 Trident

Table 83: Missile Class
D100 Roll Type
01-10 Arrow, armor piercer, 2-12
11-20 Arrow, frog crotch, 2-8
21-25 Arrow, humming bulb, 2-5
26-40 Arrow, leaf head, 2-12
41-60 Arrow, normal, 3-24
61-70 Piso tonkeng, batak kapak (Axe, throwing)
71 Dart, blowpipe, 2-8
72 Dart, thrown, 3-12
73-77 Javelin
78-90 Quarrel, 2-24
91-98 Sling/pellet bow bullets, 2-20
99-100 Uchi-ne

Table 84: Martial Arts Class
D100 Roll Type
01-05 Chain
06-10 Fang
11-20 Gunsen
21-30 Jitte
31-35 Kau sin ke
36-40 Kiseru
41-55 Nunchaku
56-70 Sai
71-75 Sang kauw
76-80 Siangkam
81-90 Three-piece-rod
91-100 Tui-fa


Table 85: Ninja Class
D100 Roll Type
01-05 Kawanaga
06-10 Kumade
11-15 Kusari-gama
16-20 Kyoketsu-shogi
21-25 Needle, 10-60
26-30 Nekode
31-40 Ninja-to
41-45 Shaken, 2-12
46-60 Shikomi-zue
61-70 Shuriken, spike, 2-12
71-85 Shuriken, star, large, 3-18
86-100 Shuriken, star, small, 3-18

Explanation of Weapon Properties

Weapons of Quality

    Swords and Miscellaneous Melee Weapons:

    These weapons are extremely well made -- forged of the
    finest steel, honed to razor sharpness, made of the finest woods, etc. Although not magical, they give the
    wielder a + 1 on his chance to hit (only). These weapons are worth 2d6 times the normal price.

    Bow, Crossbow, and Sling Weapons:

    These weapons of quality have been perfectly balanced for pull
    and weight. Although not magical, they allow the user to treat each range as the next lowest when determining
    to hit modifiers. Thus, short and medium range are both treated as short range and tong range is treated as
    medium range. They are beautifully constructed and are worth 2d4 times the normal price.

    Missile Weapons: These weapons are balanced to fly true and strike hard. They are + 1 on the chance to
    hit (only). Some are adorned fancifully and tastefully decorated. They are worth 2-5 times the normal price.

    Martial Arts: These weapons have been made by masters of the martial arts who understand the needs
    and demands of the style. When used by those trained in a martial arts style, they give a + 1 on the chance to hit
    (only). They are generally quite plain and simple looking. Those knowledgeable in the martial arts are willing to
    pay 2-5 times the normal price for such a weapon.

    Ninja: These weapons have been made with the ninja in mind. They are quite common and ordinary in
    appearance. However, they are razor sharp and finely balanced, giving them a + t to damage. Furthermore, they
    are extremely lightweight and compact. Large weapons can be disassembled into smaller pieces that are easily
    concealed and can be reassembled in one round.

+ 1, + 2, + 3: These weapons are magical, giving the listed bonus to both the chance to hit and damage.

+ 1 Damage, + 2 Damage, + 3 Damage: These weapons are magical, causing extra damage equal to the
listed bonus, but not giving a bonus to hit.

+ 1 To Hit, + 2 To Hit, + 3 To Hit: These magical weapons increase the chance to hit by the listed
amount. They do not increase the amount of damage done.

+ 1, + 2 vs. S: These magical weapons are + 1 to hit and damage against man-sized and larger creatures
and are + 2 to hit and damage against smaller than man-sized creatures.

+ 1, + 2 vs. L: These magical weapons are + 1 to hit and damage against man-sized and smaller
creatures and are + 2 to hit and damage against larger than man-sized creatures.

-1, Cursed: These magical items are undetectable from normal + 1 items and only reveal their true
nature in earnest combat situations. Cursed bows are -1 on the chance to hit. Furthermore, on a to hit roll of 1,
the missile fired actually returns full force on the person who fired it, striking them for normal damage. Cursed
melee weapons are -1 on their chance to hit. Once picked up and used, the owner will use the weapon in
preference to all others, never voluntarily discarding or ignoring it. A remove curse will free the character from
the weapon.

Accuracy + 3 +:

Balance: This weapon appears to be a normal + 1 weapon and is + 1 to hit and damage. However, when
carried it gives the character exceptional balance. Ninjas gain a bonus of 10% to their tightrope walking ability.
In other situations where balance is important (teetering on the edge of a pit, etc.), the character is automatically
allowed a saving throw versus death to regain his balance. If successful, the weapon shifts its weight or pulls the
character the fraction of an inch he needs to regain his footing. If the saving throw is failed, the character suffers
the normal consequences.

Dancing +:

Detection: This weapon is + 1 to hit and damage.
However, the weapon is also able to detect one type of thing or situation, selected from the table below.
D8 Roll Detects
1 Evil, 10' radius
2 Good, 10' radius
3 Poison, touch
4 Lifeforms, 10' radius
5 Back attacks, 1 ' range
6 Invisible creatures and objects, 10' radius
7 Traps, 5' radius
8 Secret doors, 10' radius

For the power to function, the character must hold the weapon and utter the command word.
Should the result be positive, the weapon indicates this by a gentle tug in the direction of the thing detected.

Disruption +:

Distance + 1 +:


The weapon is + 1 to hit && damage.
Upon uttering the command word, it bursts into magical flame.
This flame causes 2d4 points of additional damage on a successful hit.
It will ignite combustible items 40% of the time.
It casts light out to a 15-toot radius.
The weapon remains flaming until the character utters the command word again.
The flame does no damage to the weapon, regardless of the weapon's material.

Intelligence: The weapon is + 3 to hit && damage. Furthermore, the weapon has Intelligence and
capabilities as if it were an intelligent sword, although it will never have communication ability beyond
semi-empathy. The Intelligence ranges from 12-17 (1 d6 + 11). Use the rules for intelligent swords presented in
the DMG to determine the weapon's powers.

Silence: The weapon is + 1 to hit and damage. When held, it cloaks the character in a muffling field,
deadening but not totally stopping all sound emanating from the character. The character can still hear all
sounds normally. This field improves the ninja's chance of moving silently by 15% and his chance of hiding in
shadows by 20%. Sonic based attacks are reduced to 1h2 or no damage. The field extends over the wielder and
his carried possessions only. Should he drop something or knock an object over, it makes the normal noise.
Thus the weapon does not protect against clumsiness.

Slaying +:


Unbreakable: The weapon is treated as a + 2 weapon to hit && damage. The weapon cannot be broken
by the Weapon Breaker special maneuver. There is a 75% chance that the opponent's weapon will be broken
instead, should he attempt this maneuver.

Venom +:

Oriental Magical Items

Table 86: Oriental Magical Items
D100 Roll Magic Item XP Value GP Value Ch'ien Value
01-05 Banner of Protection 7,500 30,000 6,000
06-08 Bell of Protection 4,000 20,000 4,000
09-11 Bell of Warning 3,500 17,500 3,500
12 Biwa of Calm 1,000 8,000 1,600
13 Biwa of Charm 1,000 7,000 1,400
14-15 Biwa of Discord -- 8,000 1,600
16-20 Charm of Protection from Disease 1,000 5,000 1,000
21-24 Charm of Protection from Fire 1,000 5,000 1,000
25-27 Charm of Protection from Spirits 1,000 5,000 1,000
28-31 Charm of Protection from Theft 1,000 5,000 1,000
32 Diamond Mace 2,000 10,000 2,000
33 Drums of Thunder 1,300 6,500 1,300
34-35 Eight Diagram Coins 600 1,800 360
36 Everproducing Rice Mortar * * *
37 Gem of Wishes 2,200 11,000 2,200
38-41 Gong of Dispelling 1,500 7,500 1,500
42-44 Mallet of Luck 1,500 15,000 3,000
45 Minyan (shukenja, sohei) 1,000 6,500 1,300
46-47 Mirror of Curing 2,000 20,000 4,000
48 Mirror of Enlightenment 1,000 6,000 1,200
49-51 Mirror of Fear 1,200 12,000 2,400
52-53 Mirror of Spirit Seeing 1,500 15,000 3,000
54-58 Net of Spirit Snaring (shukenja) 2,000 10,000 2,000
59-60 Noisome Spirit Chasers 1,000 5,000 1,000
61-63 Paper of Forms 200 1,000 200
64-70 Pearl of Protection from Fire 1,000 5,000 1,000
71 Pearl of the Ebbing Tide 400 2,000 400
72 Pearl of the Rising Tide 600 3,000 600
73-85 Scroll of Protection from Spirits 2,000 6,000 1,200
86-87 Seal of Deception (ninja, yakuza) 600 6,000 1,200
88-92 Seal of Vigor 1,000 10,000 2,000
93-94 Tablet of Spirit Summoning (shukenja, wu jen) 4,000 20,000 4,000
95-96 Wheels of Fire 1,800 9,000 1,800
91-100 Wondrous Writing Set 3,000 15,000 3,000

* Everproducing Rice Mortar:

  • common: 600 XP, 6000 GP (1200 ch'ien)
  • extraordinary: 700 XP, 7000 GP (1400 ch'ien)
