21. Holding Cell

This chamber serves as a holding area for slaves in training.
This dismal space stinks of unwashed bodies. Tiers of bloodstained
bunks line the chamber’s long walls. 12 half-naked people
lie chained in the bunks, and several more stand or crouch in the
aisle between the bunks, chained to rings in the floor.

The bugbear taskmasters Snikscab and Nubgrod split their time
between this chamber and area 20. If the party confronts the
bugbears here, they fight as noted in the description for area 20.
However, if 1 bugbear is slain and the other reduced to 8 HP or fewer while fighting in this room, the survivor grabs the
nearest slave and threatens to kill him or her unless the party backs
off. If the characters comply, the bugbear unlocks the slave and
sidles out of the room, dragging the hostage, and tries to make
his way to area 28 on the lower level (going down the stairs at
area 15).

The holding cell houses 18 slaves. If freed, they are grateful but
in no condition to assist the PCs. Unlike the slaves
in area 12, they have not been in the guardhouse long enough
to learn the layout or routine, but they can tell the party how they
came to be here (see the notes for area 12).

Human  Slaves (18): AC 9; MV 12”; HD 1; hp 3 each; #AT 0; D nil.
