12. Kitchen

<determine humidity>
<determine effective temperature>
A wave of moist heat rushes forth as the door opens. The odors <odor detection>
of overheated grease, charred meat, and old ashes follow.

Beyond the doorway lies a long, narrow room with a blazing <fire>
hearth at the eastern end. A table mottled with glistening stains
and an unsavory mix of fur, bone, and feathers takes up most of
the chamber. Animal carcasses hang from the ceiling by hooks
and chains.

4 human cooks labor in here nearly around the clock. Zodznog,
a female half-orc with a leathery face, oversees their efforts and
ensures that the cooks work until they drop. She does not tolerate
interlopers in the kitchen—not even Brubgrok or Glyrthiel.

Zodznog (half-orc): AC 6; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 6; #AT 1, D 1–4 (improvised

Human  Slaves (4): AC 9; MV 12”; HD 1; hp 3 each; #AT 1; D
1–4 (improvised weapon). <exhausted: -4 hit, -4 damage, -4 saves>

Zodznog knows about the ladder in area 13 that leads down to
the spring chamber (area 26) on the lower level. She allows goblins
or other individuals who belong in the guardhouse to pass
through the kitchen while traveling to or from area 13. Otherwise,
Zodznog gives an uninvited visitor one chance to exit the
kitchen gracefully. If the visitor lingers, she chucks a cleaver at the
trespasser. Zodznog prefers to hang back and toss knives, cleavers,
and heavy pots (she has plenty of such items at hand) at any
target that offers her a clear shot. However, she is not afraid of
melee combat.

The slaves hate Zodznog, but they also fear her, so they take up
knives, cleavers, rolling pins, and other kitchen implements and
join the fray against intruders. The slaves attack the closest foe and
fight desperately, hoping to win Zodznog’s approval. If the halforc
falls, any slaves still fighting immediately surrender.

The slaves know quite a bit about the guardhouse and a little
about the quarry, but they are too exhausted and frightened to volunteer
such information—they do not appreciate the value of what
they know. If the PCs think to ask the slaves about
these topics, they can learn useful information. All the slaves tell
essentially the same story about coming here:

** Raiders abducted them from their homes. Eventually they were
brought to the quarry on a ship that traveled up the local river
and tied up at a jetty (west of area 56 in the caverns). After
that, they were blindfolded and carried a “very long way.”

** The slaves are vaguely aware that a village is nearby, but they
do not know its name.

** They know that some of the quarry workers are not enslaved,
but they have never been able to speak with any of those

** They know that goblins also work the depths of the quarry, and the
tunnels include some sort of unholy chapel or temple (area 42).

** Eventually, the slaves were imprisoned in area 21 on the upper
level of the guardhouse.

** They know that more slaves are currently being held in area 21,
and turnover is slow. Some slaves leave (presumably sold)
only to be replaced by new ones.

** The slaves know about the taskmasters in area 20 but are not
sure what kind of creatures they are. The slaves describe them
as big, powerful, and very brutal goblins.

** The slaves have seen the guardposts at areas 17 and 22, and
they know that goblins staff the posts at night. They have delivered
food to the guards at both areas.

** They do not know about the traps in areas 15 and 16, but they
are aware that guards always announce themselves before entering
or leaving the tops of the staircases.

** Zodznog keeps these slaves on the brink of starvation and exhaustion.
After the excitement of the encounter fades, they collapse
and become all but helpless for at least a day.
