22. South Guardpost
A crenellated battlement surrounds this parapet. In the floor is
a 5-foot-wide hole with sloped sides. Piles of stones, loosely <what is angle of slope?>
stacked, flank the hole.

From here, guards keep a constant watch over area 1, below.
During daylight, 2 human  guards are on duty. After sunset, 4
goblin warriors stand guard here instead.

Human  Guards (2): AC 4 or 5; MV 9”; HD 1; hp 4 each; #AT
1; D 2–8 (broadsword) or 1–6 (shortbow). Each guard carries a
shield (AC 4) but cannot use it while wielding a shortbow (AC
drops to 5).
<1 broadsword specialist: #AT 3/2, THACO 19, Dmg 2d4+2> 
<1 shortbow specialist

Goblins (4): AC 6; MV 6”; HD 1–1, hp 3 each; #AT 1, D 1–6
(spear), 1–6 (short sword), or 1–4 (sling).
<katzbalger, short sword, baselard, cinquedea>

The guards, whether human or goblin, stay focused on area 1 no
matter what they hear going on in the upper level. If attacked, they
defend themselves using the tactics described for area 17. See the
description for area 1 for details on how the guards react to intruders
or visitors below.
