61. South Rubbish Heap
The air in this chamber reeks of death and decay despite a
strong draft, which flows through the entrance and up a natural <wind speed = x>
shaft as wide as a man’s outstretched arms.

Immediately below the shaft lies a huge mound of debris and
rotting offal. A forest of varicolored fungi covers the mound like
a shaggy blanket.

The ceiling is 20 feet high and domed. The opening in the ceiling
leads up 60 feet to area 49 on the quarry’s lower level. The shaft
is fairly dry.

The rubbish is the normal sort, but some of the fungi growing on
the mound is not. Among the fungi’s stems and caps lie several
puffball types, each about as big as a man’s fist. Any rough contact
with a puffball makes it burst, releasing a cloud in a 5-foot
radius. Living creatures in the cloud must attempt a saving throw
vs. paralysis. Failure renders the subject paralyzed for 3–18 turns.
After regaining mobility, victims remain infected with the spores
and die in 2–8 weeks unless they receive a cure. A cure disease
spell does the trick; also, the <evil priests> in areas 44 and 65 have several
vials of an effective herbal cure.
