65. <Priest>’s Chamber
This nook features a brazier full of glowing coals, a bed, and 
<guess: a brazier is the equivalent of a small fire, in terms of heat output>

a <large> table with a padded chair. An oil lamp set into the east wall
lights the space.

An evil cleric from the temple complex (areas <42, 43, 44>) is always
here, supervising the troglodytes on this level. He is awake twothirds
of the time, chanting or overseeing the mudtiger breeding
program. The rest of the time, he dozes in the bed. Awake or
asleep, he reacts quickly to any warning from the troglodytes in
area 64 or any disturbance there. If roused from sleep, it takes
him 2 rounds to be ready. Otherwise, he acts immediately.

The <evil priest> wears robes over a suit of studded leather armor (bronze
studs) and keeps a <small> shield close at hand.

Human <Adept>: AC 6; MV 9”; HD 2; hp 9; #AT 1; D 2–7 (footman’s
mace) or 1–4 (sling); spells memorized: curse, command,
cure light wounds, cause fear.
<THACO 20>
<XP 92>

In addition to his regular mace, the <priest> carries a mace with a
stone head. He uses it when he fights alongside mudtigers because
the metal one might become magnetized. The stone weapon
works as well as a metal one, but it has a –1 “to hit” penalty
when used against a foe with an AC of 5 or better (before
considering Dexterity or a shield).

If warned of approaching trouble, he casts bless on the troglodytes <he doesn't have bless memorized; implication or error?>
and mudtiger in area 64, then hunkers down at the entrance
to this room, ready to cast command (“Flee!”). If he must rise
from bed and go to a fight, he starts with command and follows
up with cause fear. In either case, after casting his initial spells,
he uses his mace and looks for chances to use his other spells. The
<priest> has grown accustomed to troglodyte stench and takes care
to stay out of the mudtiger’s shock range.

The <priest> keeps his personal possessions in area 44, but a <medium> chest under
the bed here holds 2 vials of an herbal preparation that cures
the malady caused by the spores from the puffball fungi in area 61.
