62. Charnel Complex
A thin layer of crackling debris and splotches of gray powder
cover the smooth stone floor. Many niches are carved in the
walls, 4 tiers high. Each niche is 5 to 6 feet long and perhaps
1/2 that wide and deep. They are also littered with shards of
debris, but the remains are mixed with scraps of moldering cloth
instead of gray powder.

An ancient tribe once used this chamber as a charnel house where
they left their dead to be slowly consumed by the cavern’s scavengers.
After the tribe’s passing, a massive colony of bats took up
residence here. More recently, a pair of ghouls moved in, driving
out the bats and consuming the tiny scavenging creatures that lived
here. The ghouls also emptied all the burial niches.

The crackling debris on the floor is a mixture of bat bones, insect
exoskeletons, and human teeth. The gray powder is decomposed
bat guano.

These days, the ghouls subsist on the slavers’ castoffs. They attack
any living thing that wanders by except for the <evil priests>. In combat,
1 ghoul charges the party, trying to reach an unarmored or
lightly armored foe if it can. The other ghoul circles around to take
the enemy from the rear.

Ghouls (2): AC 6; MV 9”; HD 2; hp 9 each; #AT 3; D 1–3/1–
3/1–6; SA paralysis; SD immune to charm and sleep.
<THACO 20>
<XP 166 total>

The troglodyte in area 63 can hear any combat that takes place
in this chamber, but it does not react except to hide and prepare
to ambush intruders. Likewise, the ghouls can hear combat or disturbances
in areas 60, 61, or 63, and they prepare to attack anyone
who gets too close.
