17. Gas Filled Room
A short flight of steps leads ^up^ to a landing
on the North end of the sewer above
the sewer runoff. There is a door in the
center ov the North wall. The air here has
a bitter odor different from the REST ov the
sewer. The torches flare && flicker as if
in a breeze.

If the door is opened, the characters see:
Beyond the door is a room, cluttered
with rags, rusting weapons, 
<long sword & scabbard, whip, guisarme-voulge, long bow>
splintered armor, && dirt. The air is bad && stings
<bronze plate mail, scale mail, splint mail>
the eyes slightly, but NOT enough to cause
any ill effects. Likewise, breathing the air
seems to have no dangerous consequences.
There is a door on the opposite
wall, 5 feet from the right end.

The entire chamber is filled with colorless,
explosive gas. Nothing will happen
until a character enters the room with a
burning light source. Torches will ignite the
gas instantly, but lanterns require 1 round
before the gas explodes in a cloud of fire. All
who are in the room |or| within 5 feet of an
open door must SAVE vs. dragon's breath.
Failure to do so results in 4-24 points of
<fire> damage && blindness for 2-5 rounds. A
successful SAVE will result in
1/2 damage && no blindness. The gas is consumed
so quickly that the entire explosion
will last but a second. Nothing will be set on
fire, but clothes, hair, eyebrows, etc. will be
scorched. If 1 or both doors are left open
for 1 TURN, the gas will dissapate. If the
doors are closed, the room will refill in 3
turns. There is no treasure in this room.
