4. Food Storage
A 5-foot wide path runs through the center
ov this room from exit to exit. To
either side ov the path is a trench (5 feet
wide) filled with grain. Beyond the
trenches are piles ov dried carcasses and
mounds ov rotting vegetation. Hung
from stakes driven into the WALLS are
leather skins && full bladders.

This chamber is the food storage AREA for
the aspis. The trenches to either side of the
path are 3 feet deep. The southern one contains
nothing but grain, but the 1 to the
north is inhabited by a gray ooze @ the bottom
ov the trench. It attacks creatures who
disturb its trench. The mounds ov decaying
vegetation are infested with rot grubs, 15 in
all. The aspis consider the grubs a delicacy.
Under 1 of the piles may be seen the
thongs of a <large> leather sack. This sack contains
3 apples covered with a glittering silver-blue
mold. The mold is beneficial and cures <fungus identification, DSG>
any non-magical disease if 1 apple is
eaten. The piles of carcasses are those of 26
giant rats && 14 humans. The bodies are
unclothed && unadorned. The leather skins
and bladders are filled with honey and

Gray ooze: AC 8: MV 1 "; HD 3 +3: hp 19:
#AT 1; D 2-16: corrodes metal; affected
only by blows && lightning
<THACO 16>
<XP 295>

15 Rot grubs: AC 9; MV 1": hp 1 each: burrow
into flesh if touched, kills host in 1-3
turns unless flame |or| cure disease is
<THACO nil>
<XP nil>
