8. Giant Ant Lair
These tunnels are small holes dug through
the earth, obviously unsupported by beams
|or| other fittings. They are only wide enough
for gnomes |or| hobbits to crawl through. <The Tight Squeeze, DSG>

8a. Nests
Each chamber contains 2 to 12 giant
worker ants and 1 to 3 giant soldier
ants. The chamber also contains either food
(60%) or eggs (40%).
    <water, honey, pastries, meat(horse), biscuits, jam(quince)>

Giant worker ants: AC3; MV 18”; HD 2;
hp 9 each; #AT 1; D 1-6
XP 38 each

Giant soldier ants; AC 3; MV 18"; HD 3; hp 14 each;
#AT 1 and 1; D 2-8; poison sting
causes 3-12 if 1st attack hits, or save vs. <> poison for 1-4
XP 82 each

8b. Queen’s Chamber
In this chamber, protected by 10 soldier ants (hp 15 each) and
10 worker ants (hp 9 each), is the queen. The soldier ants FIGHT to
the death while the worker ants attempt to
remove the eggs (20 total) from the chamber.
If the workers succeed, they then
attempt to [push] the queen to another nest.
Should the queen be killed, the ants are confused
for 6 rounds && then begin to
leave the nest. The collected treasure of the
giant ants may be found under the body of
the queen. It consists of 7 gems (one 10
gp, two 50 gp, three 200 gp, one 1,000 gp)
and a potion bottle ov oil ov slipperiness.

10 Giant worker ants: AC3; MV18”; HD 2;
hp 9 each; #AT 1; D 1-6
XP 38 each

10 Giant soldier ants; AC 3; MV 18"; HD 3; hp 14 each;
#AT 1 and 1; D 2-8; poison sting
causes 3-12 if 1st attack hits, or save vs. <> poison for 1-4
XP 82 each

Queen ant: AC 3; MV nil; HD 10; hp 55;
#AT 0; D nil
XP 1670
