Appendix I: Dungeon Dressing - - - DMG

Food & Drink:
01-02 ale Ale, pint - 1 sp, 1# (PH)
Ale, special - 1 ep (Inn of the Welcome Wench)
Effects of Alchohol & Drugs.


03 apricots -
04-05 apples -
06 beans -
07-10 beer Beer, small, pint - 5 cp <Small beer, by Black Bat242>, Effects of Alchohol & Drugs.
Beer, small - 5 cp (T1 - Inn of the Welcome Wench: 1/2 this price in Nulb)
Beer, heavy - 1 sp (T1 - Inn of the Welcome Wench: 1/2 this price in Nulb)

11 berries eg. Bilberry, bittersweet (scarlet berry), blackberry, blueberry, juniper berry, raspberry, strawberry.
12 biscuits -
13 brandy Effects of Alchohol & Drugs
14-18 bread
19 broth -
20 butter goat, buffalo. <> 
21 cakes -
22-24 cheese* -
25 cookies -
26 eggs -
27 fish* <poached salmon, stuffed trout: T1>
28 fish, shell* <boiled crayfish in drawn butter: T1> <giant crab, giant crayfish>
29-30 fowl* <roast goose, squab stuffed pheasant: T1>
31 grapes -
32 greens* -
33 gruel -
34 honey -
35 jam bilberry, blueberry, raspberry, strawberry,tamarind, etc.
36 jelly Ochre jelly
37 leeks -
38 lentils -
39-42 mead -
43-46 meal (grain) -
47-56 meat* <venison, mutton, sausages, pork: T1> <beef, wild boar> <horse: A2>
57 milk <e.g. goat milk>
58 muffins -
59 mushrooms -
60-62 nuts* <eg. walnuts>
63-64 onions
65 pastries -
66 peaches -
67 pears -
68 peas -
69 pickles -
70 pie <steak & kidney pie with mushrooms & truffles: T1>, <Custard Pie>
71 plums -
72-74 porridge
75 prunes -
76 pudding Black pudding, Deadly pudding
77 raisins -
78-80 soup -
81-82 stew -
83 sweetmeats -
84-87 tea -
88-89 tubers/roots* -
90-95 water -
96-00 wine <1. good wine, worth 10 sp per pint. 8 pints (wineskin)> 
<2. watered wine, worth 5 sp per pint. 8 pints (wineskin)>
Wines(per pint) (Inn of the Welcome Wench)
    3. Table, local 1 ep
    4. Keoish golden 15 sp
    5. Sundish lilac 5 ep
    6. Urnst white 1 gp
    7. Celene ruby 2 gp
    8. Furyondian emerald pale 4 gp
    9. Velunan fireamber 1 pp
    10. Mulled wine (Dragon #115)
    11. Mad Dog #5 (Dragon #84)

Effects of Alchohol & Droogs

Condiments & Seasonings:
01-15 garlic
16-50 herbs**
51-55 mustard
56-58 pepper
59-85 salt
86-00 vinegar

* In the interest of space, the varieties of these items have been omitted,
for they are generally well-known and can be enumerated by the DM with little or no difficulty.

** A listing of herbs and associated vegetable matter is given elsewhere in this book.
The listing gives the purported uses for herbs with regard to healing, magic, poisons, etc.,
but it can be used to enumerate herbs used for cooking purposes.

Use the lists above for the stocking of kitchens, store rooms, etc.
Random selection is suggested only to round out an already stocked AREA.


Catoblepas cheese
Flaming Norse goat cheese












Originally Posted by dcas
Surely there are other ingredients to pie crust than butter.

That's to differentiate between ours and other foods that contain shortening (or margarine) and various chemicals like dough conditioners,
mold retardants, shelf-life extenders, artificial colors/flavors, etc.

PIE CRUST Cookie Sticks • Contents: Pastry Flour, Butter, Water, Granulated Sugar, Brown Sugar, Cinnamon.
Nutrition: Serving size 2 oz (57g): 250 cal (140 from fat); 16g fat, 11g sat fat, 40 mg cholesterol, 125 mg sodium; CARBS total 23g (fiber 1g, sugars 1g), Protein 3g.
Made By Hand at The Baker’s House, Box 591, Minocqua, WI 54548 715•356-0066 • Regulated by WI Dept Ag

Notice! The pie crust cookies fail to bear a warning label, however:

WARNING! Eating these might be habit forming as they are so delicious.
