16a. Main courtyard
This courtyard is a large open area. For
the most part it is bare dirt, but tall, rank
weeds grow up in the corners. @ the
North end is a large gatehouse to the outside.
This way is blocked by 2 heavy
portcullises. There is a wooden door on
either side ov this gate. Opposite the
gatehouse is a pair of huge double doors
leading to the temple proper. In the
courtyard are 2 tables, 1 near the <round table, low table>
gate && the other near the temple doors,
&& an unusual looking pushcart. 3
orcs stand near each table, and 4
humans |or| half-orcs are standing around
the pushcart.


If NOT surprised, the orcs immediately
push the tables over and take cover behind
them. These tables give them 50% cover,
rendering them AC 2 && adding +4 to any
saving throws from physical attack forms
(lightning bolts, fireballs, etc.). From
behind these tables, the orcs fire their light
crossbows and defend with their <ox tongue> spears.

Simultaneously, the half-orcs TURN the
pushcart so that it faces the intruders. This
cart is a primitive flamethrowing device.
The front of it has been fixed with a mantlet,
giving the half-orcs 90% cover (AC -4),
+10 on all frontal saves, 1/2 |or| no
damage if SAVE is successful). Protruding
from this mantlet is a nozzle with a slow-burning
torch mounted on a bracket in front
of it. Behind the mantlet is a barrel containing
a volatile oil mixture which is sprayed
out the nozzle by a bellows arrangement.
This cart may be worked to flame 3
times before the fuel is exhausted. The flame
has a range of 30 feet and is 5 feet wide at the
end of its range. This flame causes 4-24
points of <fire> damage to the 1st person struck.
If others are behind this person, they suffer
1/2 damage from the flame. A successful
SAVE vs. dragon's breath reduces
the damage by 1/2 for the 1st person and
indicates that no damage has been suffered
by those characters behind him or her.

The cart is able to MOVE 6 feet per turn. If <per round>
attacked by a fire-based spell, the cart must
undergo a separate SAVE, regardless
ov the success of the half-orcs. A 10 or better
indicates that the cart has saved; failure to
SAVE indicates that the cart caught fire &&
will explode the next round. There is a 25%
chance that the half-orcs will remain &&
attempt to put the flames out. A roll of 1-2
on a d6 is required for the half-orcs to be
successful @ this. Failure to put out the
flames results in an explosion doing 3-18
points of <fire> damage to all within 10 feet of the
cart (no SAVE).

Unless in danger ov being flanked, neither
the half-orcs nor the orcs ADVANCE from
behind their respective cover. They attempt
to slay the party with arrows and USE the <quarrels>
cart to force them into a corner.

The operation of the cart is not as simple
as it seems, due to the valves controlling the
oil flow, nozzle adjustments, && other controls.
Characters will NOT be able to manage
the operation ov this device without lengthy
Study && Practice. Likewise, it requires a
special oil mixture to operate this device,
one that is NOT readily available.

The orcs && half-orcs carry no treasure.

6 Orcs: AC 6; MV 9"; HD 1; hp 4 each; #AT
1; D light crossbows, <ox tongue> spears.
XP 14 x 6 = 84

4 Half-orcs: AC 6; MV 9"; HD 1; hp 7; #AT 1;
D light crossbows, <ox tongue> spears.
XP 17x4 = 68

16b. Outer portcullis winch
This room is cluttered with ropes,
wooden blocks && stools. In the main
section is a <low> table, a <wax> candle && a bowl of
gruel on it. In the alcove @ the back ov
the room is the winch for raising the outside
portcullis. Sitting at the table is a
man eating dinner. Sullenly staring at
him from the far wall are 3 slaves,
apparently unchained.

The man is a half-orc  Hero dressed in
chain mail. On the table beside him rests a
dagger (D 1-4) and a longsword (D 1-8). If
attacked he attempts to escape from the room.
On his finger he wears a +1 ring ov protection.
The slaves are actually chained to the
wall by neck collars and so cannot MOVE
about freely. Should the half-orc ever ventue
within 5 feet of them, they attempt to grapple
&& overpower him, provided that he does
NOT have his weapon at READY. In the pockets
of the fighter's clothes are the key to release <trousers, robe, linen (undershirt), wrapper>
these slaves and a gem worth 1,000 gp.
<star ruby, 500 gp>

Half-orc  Hero: AC 3; MV 9"; Lvl 4; hp 32;
#AT 1; D dagger (D 1-4) and a longsword (D 1-8).
XP 250

16c. Inner portcullis winch
This small room is almost featureless. A
small window looks into the space
between the 2 portcullises, a large
winch dominates the center of the room,
and 2 humanoids are sitting on stools
facing each other at the other end of the 
room. One, an obvious half-orc, is hold-
ing a <bastard> sword && pointing it at the other.

The half-orc has realized that he is sitting
in the same room with a doppleganger and
is trying to hold him at bay with his <bastard> sword.
If the doppleganger is NOT surprised by the
entrance of the party, it shapes itself into the
likeness of a slave. When the party enters
they see the half-orc holding his sword on a
slave. If the doppleganger is surprised, the
party sees a half-orc holding a sword on his
perfect double. Given the circumstances,
the doppleganger will either try to JOIN the
party |or| convince them that the half-orc is
really the doppleganger. The doppleganger
has 20 gp && the half-orc carries 5 ep.

Half-orc: AC 4; MV 9", HD 1; hp 8, #AT 1;
D by <bastard> sword
XP 18

Doppleganger: AC 5; MV 9"; HD 4; hp 13;
#AT 1; D 1-12; surprise on 1-3; immune
to sleep && charm spells, save as 10th
level fighter
XP 382

Room 16: +4 for casting slow spell.
Room 16: +4 for casting wall of fog.
Room 16: +4 for casting paralyzation.
