17. Temple doors
These double doors are each 5 feet wide
&& 10 feet high. Beyond them is a corridor
stretching as far as the eye can see.
Every 10 feet there are statues in niches
on both sides. These statues are lifelike
carvings of orcs && gargoyles, set on 5-
foot-high pedestals. They are in a series
of orc-gargoyle, orc-gargoyle. Each orc
carries a different weapon in an attack
position, while the gargoyles are
crouched, ready to spring at an
unknown foe. All the statues are [clean]
and look relatively new.

A glyph of warding has been CAST across
the 10-foot section of passageway marked
by the X. If stepped on without proper precautions,
this glyph releases its energy at the
gargoyle statues to either side, causing them
to be flung into the hallway. Characters in
in the 2nd rank must SAVE vs. paralyzation
|or| suffer full damage from 1 of these <full damage = 12 points?>
statues. A successful save reduces damage
by 1/2. The statues make a great deal of noise,
negating any chance for surprise in
encounter area 18. The statues are NOT animated in any way.

Room 17: +4 for attempting to find trap.
Room 17: +8 for casting dispel magick.
