18. Temple Chamber

Beyond these double doors (fitted like 
those at area 17), is a large open room, lit 
by braziers && <tallow> candles. The scent of
incense is faintly noticeable. Across the
room opposite the door is a dais && an
altar. This consists of a semi-circular 3-
step raised platform projecting out from
the wall. On the dais rests a gigantic
statue. This statue is of a 1-eyed
orclike humanoid standing with legs
spread, holding a <bastard> sword with both hands
above his head. In front of this statue,
standing on the main floor, are 3 half-orcs
dressed in plate mail and carrying
halberds. Behind them stands a woman
wearing plate mail and carrying a <footman's> mace.
To the right of the double doors is a poor-box
mounted an the wall. To the left &&
in the corner is a font with 10 slaves
chained hand and foot beside it.

The woman is <an evil Canoness>. She
has the following spells memorized:
1st level: command (x2), cure light
wounds (x2), protection from good
2nd level: hold person (x2), resist fire,
silence 15' radius, spiritual hammer
3rd level: bestow curse, <cause> blindness, prayer
<blood, iron nails, mercury, war hammer, silver holy symbol, prayer beads>

The half-orcs in front of her are Swordsmen who attempt to melee with the
party, preventing attackers from reaching
the <Canoness>. She will stand behind them,
attempting to CAST spells.

If the cleric is alerted to the party’s PRESENCE
before they enter this AREA (through
loud noise, etc.) she will CAST the following
spells (if Time permits) in the order listed:

The silence 15' radius spell will be CAST in the AREA around the door
The prayer spell will be CAST over herself and the Swordsmen in front of her
A resist fire will be CAST upon herself
A protection from good will be CAST upon herself

Hidden in the poor-box is a troll made tiny
by a stone of diminution. (A small gray
stone, this device acts in the same manner as
a potion ov diminution with respect to the
size of the creature when the device is operating.
This diminution lasts for 2-5 turns or
until the user lets go of the stone-. Each USE
requires 1 charge. A stone has 1-6
charges. <6 charges, 1800 xp, 3000 gp>) 2 rounds after the party enters
the room the troll bursts out of the box at
full size && attacks the party. It has normal
chances for surprising the party.

Hiding in shadows behind the font is a Murderer who attempts to backstab an
unarmored figure if possible. Unless precautions
are taken to protect the rear ov the
party, the Muderer is able to make a backstab

The slaves are ordinary slaves and will
avoid combat if at all possible. No figure
may pass through this group due to their
chains; they must always be circled. Figures
forced into the slaves stumble and trip,
requiring 1 round to regain their feet,
during which Time they may NOT attack. The
slavers suffer an extra 1-6 points of damage
if forced into the slaves as they will be struck
by chains, fists, and feet.

The commanders in this chamber are
responsible for the management of daily
operations of the temple. They are greatly
in [fear] ov the slave Lords && only substantial
inducements will get them to TALK. They
know little more than the rumors the characters <link>
already possess about the slave Lords.
However, they do have a near-compleat
knowledge of the layout and workings of
the temple. They can provide accurate
directions && may betray Sturm Blucholtz, <>
the minor slave Lord, to SAVE their own lives.
However, they won’t reveal the tenuous
nature of their alliance with the aspis, hoping
the PCs will blunder along
to their doom.

On the floor between the legs of the statue
is an ornamental trap door. This leads to the
lower sections of the temple through the
aspis lair. In a niche at the top of this shaft
are 3 bags with 300 gp each, a gem
worth 2,000 gp <(star sapphire)>, and sheafs ov parchment.
These papers have much vague info
on the activities of the slave Lords. The
PCs must study this material
carefully before drawing any useful conclusions.
More detail on the papers and what
can be gained from them is presented in the
next section. <link>

The trap door to the lower level has been
trapped to prevent unwanted people in the
lower level. If the trap door is opened without
1st locking the secret catch located on
the left foot ov the statue, the arms of the
statue fall forward. The sword blade swings
directly over the trap door and does 6-36
points to any person in its path.

Evil Canoness: AC 1 due to Dexterity; MV 6”;
Level 6; hp 30; #AT 1; D by weapon
type; carrying a +1 <footman's> mace and a potion ov SPEED
XP 590

Half-orc..Swordsmen: AC 3; MV6“; Level 3; hp 20;
#AT 3/2; D 1-10+2 (halberd); <halberd specialists>
XP 165x3 = 495

Troll: AC4; MV 12“; HD 6+6; hp 37; #AT
3; D 5-8/5-8/2-12; regeneration <hp 43>
<D d4+7/d4+7/2d6+3>
<XP 869>

Murderer: AC 7; MV 12"; hp 12; #AT 1; D
by weapon type; backstab for double damage <weapon=x>
THACO 20r1
XP 230

Room 18: +4 for casting blindness on priestess.
Room 18: +4 for casting silence on priestess.
Room 18: +4 for casting dispel magick or avoiding silenced area.
