36. ESCAPE Tunnel
The door opens to reveal a 5-foot-wide
tunnel running to the south and out of

This ESCAPE tunnel is trapped with a covered
pit. The trapdoor is 20 feet long and
will fall open once someone runs across it.
The cover however, has a safety catch on it
and is normally safe to walk across. If
Markessa is pursued down this corridor, she
will step on a stone trigger on the south side
of the pit, activating the trap once she has
crossed it. Any character stepping on the
trap should roll a d6. On a roll of 1-3 the <Stopping a Fall, WSG>
character will fall; on a roll of 4-5 the character
will manage to catch hold of the edge
and hang on. Hanging individuals must be
rescued in 1-3 rounds or they too will fall.
On a roll of 6 the character managed to leap
to safety.

Those characters who fall take 2-12
points of damage, and fall 40 feet into an <Surface: Water, DSG>
underground river (THE RIVER cushions their <Flowing Water, DSG>
fall). Victims will be carried out of sight in
less than 1 round by the swift flowing current. <Flow Rate = x>

Characters may swim, but party members
in metallic armor (chain, plate,
banded, etc.) have a 25% chance of drowning;
characters in leather armor have a 10%
chance of drowning, while characters in no
armor or magickal armor have 5% chance of

Any one who survives will be

carried out of the dungeon with the river,
emerging in a lake within sight of a cave
which is the tunnel exit from the dungeon.
