8. Boggle Lair

The entire corridor here--walls, ceiling,
and floor--is a grillwork with 1 foot x 1
foot spaces, extending for about 60 feet.
The stone bars that form the grillwork
seem to be covered with a thick, black
liquid that looks. <x>

This area is the lair of 2 boggles. Boggles
are vaguely humanoid creatures, about
3 feet tall and varying in color from
blackish-blue to gray. They all have large,
bulbous heads, but the rest of their body
parts are disproportionate and vary from
individual to individual, such as large
noses, uneven arms, spindly legs, && so
forth. Boggles are not very intelligent and
tend to be whiners and gibberers when dealing
with other races. However, when
encountered in their lair they are aggressive
and voracious.

Boggles have rubbery skin and they
secrete a viscous, nonflammable, black oil
that is extremely slippery. Due to their slipperiness
and the resiliency of their hide, all
attacks upon boggles are reduced by 1 point
of damage per die. Boggles like to spread
their oil about their lair, making footing
slippery and unsure for intruders. For every
10 feet a character travels across this AREA |or|
for every round spent fighting here a character
must roll his or her Dexterity or less on
1d20 or fall down. Falling does no damage,
but a character who falls may do nothing
for 1 round while he or she stands back

Boggles are resistant to fire (as the ring),
and they can naturally spider climb. They
also have a natural ability to dimension
door (3" range) by stepping, diving, or
reaching through anything resembling a
frame, such as holes, the grillwork, cracks,
doorways, etc. They use this ability to reach
through 1 section of the grill and have
their hand come out elsewhere to grab or
strike at a character from another side.

Boggles are also slightly elastic and may
stretch or contract to twice or 1/2 their
normal size. Finally, they have a keen sense <Odor Detection, DSG>
of smell and can even detect invisible creatures
with this sense. Thus they are often
used as watchers and alarms by other races.
When they sense intruders they set up a
high-pitched, keening wail.

The 2 boggles appear from walls, floor,
and ceiling to strike at and trip intruders
(roll 1d4 to see which direction they attack
from) and then retreat through the nearest
wall. Upon examination, the grillwork will
be discovered to actually be a honeycomb
of 1 foot x 1 foot x 2 foot deep niches into
which the boggles dive and disappear. If
anything is thrown at the boggles they
attempt to catch it (roll a successful "to hit"
vs. AC 8 to catch) and either throw it back
at the party or take it to their nest. The nest
is only accessible via dimension door |or|
other magickal means. They are semi-intelligent
and try to steal treasure and
weapons to keep them from being used to
hurt the boggles, and throw back other
things such as oil. Each boggle may attempt <Grenade-Like Missiles, DMG>
to steal an item from a person who had
fallen by making a successful "to hit" roll vs.
AC 5. Boggles may also drop from the ceiling
upon characters and attack with 2
additional claws added to their normal
claw/claw/bite routine (like a cat).

Characters have to be inventive to get
through this AREA quickly. One possibility is
taking pieces of lumber from area 7 and
tobogganing across the grill. This works
very well because of the oil on the grill bars.

Boggles: AC 5; MV 9"; HD 4 +3; hp 21, 24;
<optional: -4 HP, -1 damage>
#AT 3; D 1-4 each or 1 weapon <katzbalger, light crossbow>
XP  275, 290 (total: 565)
