11. Stockade Parapet

Here is a guard walkway behind the stockade
log wall. This parapet surrounds the fort
an 3 sides and connects to the walkway
on the gatehouse walls. The parapet is made
of wooden platforms on packed dirt at the
top of the earthen rampart. A log stockade
surrounds the top of the rampart and arrow slits
are cut in the wall at waist height every
10 feet. Hobgoblin guards post a watch all
along the rampart top, pacing back and
forth. There appear to be 2 guards at every
guard post. The stockade parapet is 15 feet
above the roof of the fort, so that guards on
the walkway can survey the entire roof and
spot any movement on it.

The hobgoblin guards are posted in pairs
along the wall at 60-foot intervals. All parts
of the stockade wall are watched by at least
1 pair of guards, and most parts can be
seen by two pairs. The guard posts are
noted on the map. The guards rotate posts
every half hour (3 turns) as a new pair come
on duty. Each pair then moves to the next
post counterclockwise and relieves that pair
of guards. The standard length of a shift of
guard duty is thus about 6 hours long.
Each hobgoblin has only 2-12 sp.

A wandering patrol also periodically
checks each guard post. For every 2 turns
the party spends on the stockade wall an
encounter check should be made. On a roll
of 1 on 1d6 the patrol will be encountered.
The patrol consists of 12 hobgoblins armed
with short bows and long swords, and a
hobgoblin sergeant armed with a long

6 Rats: AC 7; MV 15”; HD 1/4; hp 2;

#AT 1; D 1
THACO 20n1
XP 3 each

Hobgoblin guards: AC 5; MV 9”; HD 1+1;
hp 6 each; #AT 1 or 2 with bow;
D 1-6 by short bow or 1-8 by long sword
XP 32 each

Hobgoblin patrol: AC 5; MV 9”; HD 1+1;
hp 6 each; #AT 1 or 2 with bow;
D 1-6 by short bow or 1-8 by long sword
XP 32 each

Hobgoblin sergeant: AC 4; MV 6”; HD 2;
hp 9; #AT 1; D 1-8 by long sword
XP 38
