8, 9, 10. The Gatehouse

This gatehouse is like a fort in itself and is
commanded by a doughty human veteran.
The commander is a no-nonsense man and
has been known to give a guard 12 lashes
just for gambling on duty. He has organized
the gatehouse guard to respond quickly to
the alarm and the guards can arm and ready
themselves in 5 rounds when the alarm is
sounded. This encounter should be played
intelligently if the party attempts to invade
the gatehouse. The commander's strategy is
to hold invaders in 1 room until reinforcements
can arrive and then crush the
invaders. The commander is located in
room 8c.

Besides the guards in the various guardrooms,
there is a roving patrol that checks
periodically to make sure all the guards on
this floor and on the wall walk are doing
their duties. The patrol consists of 4 hobgoblin
guards and a sergeant. Every turn the
party is in one of the guardrooms, there is a
chance of an encounter with the patrol; roll
1 on 1d6.

Hobgoblin guards (4): AC 5; MV 9";
HD 1+1; hp 8 each; #AT 1; 
D 1-8 <by fauchard-fork ("Porksickle")>
XP 36 each

Sergeant: AC 4; MV 6"; HD 2; hp 13; #AT 1; 
D 1-8+2 <by long sword>
XP 46