17a. The Bear. The Bear
This is a wooden door--no sound can be 
heard from behind it. The door opens 
out into the hall. 

When the door is opened there comes 
a low, rumbling growling noise, and a 
grizzly bear, on his hind legs, comes 
lurching out of the shadows. He rushes 
right at the head of the party. Cries of 
surprise are heard. 

The bear is really a stuffed bear. Those
standing immediately in front of the door
must save vs. Petrification or take 1-6 points
of damage from the stuffed bear falling on
them. The stuffed bear was on a small
wheeled platform and propped at the top of
a narrow ramp. When the door was opened
it rumbled down the ramp (causing the
growling sound) and crashed into the party.

The movemenf of the bear triggered
another trap behind the party. A 10-foot-by-10-foot
section of wall and floor 10 feet
back from the door will pivot out from the
north wall, dropping any party members on
that section into a 15-foot-deep pit. A 2nd
wall will flip up into place and the original
wall will become the floor section, so
that it looks like nothing has happened. The
front members of the party will not be
aware that the rear members have disappeared
until they look back and find out.
The party will have mistaken any cries of
surprise from those in back to have come in
response to the charging bear.

Those who are caught in the trap take 1-6
points of damage. The pit is 10 feet deep.
Screams from those inside the trap cannot
be heard, but if they can reach the ceiling
they may tap on it. The tapping may only be
heard if the party specifically listens for it.
To free the trapped members of the party, it
will be necessary to partially flip the wall
and floor again, and jam them open using at
least 2 spikes. Alternately, a spike may be
sunk in the wall and the wall pulled down so
that the pit is exposed. If the trap is not held
open in this position (requiring a combined
Strength of 30), anyone standing in the pit
who does not save vs. Petrifaction will be
hit by the rotating wall and take 1-6 points
of additional damage.

The bear's eyes are glassy and it seems to
be a little cross-eyed. This is because one of
the eyes was put in crooked. Behind the eye,
hidden in the socket by Icar, the fort commander,
is a periapt of proof against poison.
He is not aware of the use the stuffed bear
has been put to.

17b. Study
The room beyond this door appears to
have once been a study. In front of the
door is a wooden ramp. A crude wooden
<low> table and box have been placed near the
center of the room to serve as a desk.
Several casks stand ahout the room, as
does an old leather chest. There is a fireplace
on the east side of the room with
wood piled beside it. The door to the
north is locked. The door to the south <Open Locks, PH>
has light shining from beneath it.

The hall trap was activated by pulling the
molding to the right of the western door
down into the room and letting it spring
back. This 7-foot lever had been bent down
and held in place by the bear's platform.
When the door was opened and the bear
pulled down the ramp, the lever sprang back
into place and triggered the trap to flip.

This room is used by the fort paymaster
once a week to pay the troops. Beneath the
box on the floor is a <large> sack with 50 gp stowed
in it. The chest and casks are empty and do
not have hidden compartments. In the
wood pile is a fire blackened butter knife of
silver, used to clean the ashes out of the fireplace.
It is so tarnished it has no apparent
value. It is worth 25 gp.

The northern door is locked and bolted <Open Locks, PH>
from the other side and cannot be opened.
