18. East Wing Guard Complex

This AREA is used as barracks for some of
the fort troops. It's these troops who run the
ambush of the inner courtyard, so this area
will usually be fairly empty of hobgoblins.
If the party spends a lot of time in the
'haunted' western wing, the guards may
have returned to here.

18a. Storeroom
The door to this room is locked and the <Open Locks, PH>
key is in the possession of the hobgoblin
officer in room 18c. This room is used as a
storeroom for extra weapons and supplies
for the troops. There are 5 bundles of 20
arrows, extra bowstrings and arrowheads,
and a dozen protective cases for bows. Also
in the room are 3 barrels of water and
4 casks of dried foodstuffs. 12 pots
and pans are stored in here and there are
2 bales of fine linen worth 250 gp at market.
In the southwest corner beneath an old
sheet is a small chest holding the various
funds of the guards in this section. The chest
is locked. In the chest are 13 leather <small belt> pouches
containing 4-24 silver pieces each. 
    <14 sp, 18 sp, 22 sp, 14 sp, 10 sp, 13 sp>
    <14 sp, 9 sp, 13 sp, 12 sp, 11 sp, 18 sp>
    <15 sp>
    <total: 183 sp
The 13th

pouch also holds 5 gp and a small jasper worth 10 gp.

18b. Latrine
This room is a latrine. The latrine is only
a ceramic chamber pot. It can be
removed for easy cleanup.

This latrine is kept reasonably clean,
because it is next to the officer's quarters.
Also in the room is a ceramic basin and a
pitcher with water and towel for washing.
There is nothing of value in the room.

18c. Officer's Quarters
This large room is fairly empty. There
are 2 beds, a stuffed chair, a small
table, and 2 <high> stools. Sleeping in one
bed is a hobgoblin, who opens his eyes
and sits up, bleary-eyed, trying to focus
on the party in the doorway. Hanging on
one wall is a cloak and <composite short> bow, while near
the bed is a green sash cord. In the north
wall is another door.

The sash cord is a bell pull. The hobgoblin
sergeant will yank on the bell pull to
sound the alarm, if the party gives him a
chance. His <long> sword is hung across the foot of
the bed. If the party threatens to kill him if
he sounds the alarm and the odds do not
look in his favor he will hesitate, but he will
not surrender, because he believes this
would mean certain death. If he is harmed
he will sound the alarm anyway and take his

There is nothing of any real value in the
room. The hobgoblin has a set of keys for
storeroom 18a and the chest there. The
cloak is infested with fleas and anyone put-
ting it on will be set to scratching in 2
turns. Otherwise there is no adverse effect.

Sergeant: AC 10; MV 12”; HD 2; hp 13;
#AT 1; D 1-8 <by long sword>
XP 46

18d. Trapdoor
This room appears to be a tall closet. A 
series of shelves is built into the back 
wall. These shelves are empty. 

The edge of the shelves seems to have
been wiped clean of dust and there are stone
chips on the floor. The ceiling of this closet
is a concealed trapdoor up to the roof of the
fort. It is concealed on the outside to look
like the top of a chimney. The hobgoblins
use the shelves as a ladder to climb up to the
trapdoor and onto the roof if there is an
invasion, so that they may ward off enemies
from the rooftops.

18e. Recreation Room
This room contains wooden tables and
chairs. A wooden board with a crudely
drawn face has been tacked to one wall
and shows marks of having been used for
knife throwing practice. Dirty wooden
dishes and a deck of greasy cards lie on
top of 1 table.

There are food crumbs on the floor, but
nothing of any value in the room.

18f. Bunkroom
This room is filled with cots. About 
1/3 of the cots are occupied by off-duty 
hobgoblins..sleeping. There is little else of 
note in the room. 

The 6 hobgoblins are all asleep, but they
have learned to sleep lightly. IF the alarm has
been sounded or the party is noisy in the
AREA nearby, THEN they are shamming their sleep
and have their <battle axes> in hand waiting for
the party to enter the room. If the hobgoblin
guard in room 18c sounds the alarm, they
armor up <chain mail up> and go running to check the disturbance
in 2 rounds. All of these hobgoblins’
treasure is in room 18a. However,
1 of the hobgoblins has a bag of 20 marbles,
colored glass beads. And beneath the
blankets on one of the cots is a silvered hand
mirror worth 3 gp.

6 Hobgoblins: AC 10; MV 12”; HD I + 1; hp 6
each; #AT 1: D 1-8

