34. Second Floor Guard Tower
The stairs from the 1st floor lead up to a
trap door which is closed. 

The trap door is bolted shut from the
other side. It opens to the 2nd floor
which is one large room. The walls and roof
of this room are made of heavy timbers, not
stone like the rest of the fort. There are
arrow slits in the walls for archers to fire
through. Doors in the north wall open onto
a balcony above the inner courtyard (13).
Rows of bunk beds stretch down the middle
of the room. There are 2 large barrels
filled with water and 6 wooden
buckets for putting out fires.

The 2nd floor houses a garrison of 20
hobgoblins armed with short bow and long sword.
10 of the hobgoblins are currently
on guard, 2 at each wall and 2 on the
balcony. 2 hobgoblin leaders are also in
the room; one is asleep. If the party is
sighted, the hobgoblins ring 1 of the main
alarm bells located on the balcony and
attack. The hobgoblins carry a total of 9 gp,
12 sp and 73 cp.

Hobgoblins (20): AC 5; MV 9”; HD 1+1;
hp 6 each; #AT 1 or 2; 
D 1-8 by long sword, or 1-6 by short bow
XP 32

Hobgoblin leaders (2): AC 4; MV 9”; HD 2;
hp 9 each; #AT 1 or 2; 
1-8 by long sword, or 1-6 by short bow

XP 46
