13. The Inner Courtyard
Beyond the stone facade is an enclosed
courtyard wooded with small trees,
shrubs, bushes, and vines. In the center
of the courtyard is a circular stone fountain,
while along either side and at the
south end is a roofed walkway 10 feet
high and 10 feet wide, supported by
wooden pillars and trellises overgrown
with ivy. There are 2 small trees growing
to either side at the south end of this
courtyard. The air is cool and still, and <temperature = x>
the cold fire of lightning bugs performs a
faery dance through the shrubbery. 

If any of the party were covered with mud
in area 5 before coming here the mud will
now begin to harden. They will feel confinement
due to its weight and stiffness. The
mud may be washed off in the fountain
(which contains only water). If the mud is
not washed off, the players’ receive -2 on ”to <characters>
hit” rolls until the mud is washed away.

From the fountain the party will be able
to see the double doors at the south end of
the courtyard beneath the porched walkway.
If the party remains at the fountain for
2 rounds or longer, 12 hobgoblins climb
through the trapdoor in the roof, position
themselves 4 to each side of the courtyard,
and attack. The guardhouse will have
50% cover which will increase the AC to 2.
The party will be surprised on a roll of 1-4
on d6, unless someone is watching the
roofs. If someone is watching, the chance of
surprise is normal. If the party is not surprised
4 hobgoblins will be spotted clambering
over the roofs. The hobgoblins will
hide behind the roof edge if fired upon.

On the hobgoblins' 1st attack round,
2 will throw a net down upon the nearest
group of people (save vs. Paralyzation or be
entangled). The other 10 will attack with
<composite short> bows. The net covers a 10-foot-by-10-foot
area. Those caught by the net must cut
themselves loose with an edged weapon
(striking to hit AC 9 to cut 1 strand; 4
strands must be cut before the character is
loose). A dagger is capable of cutting 2
strands per round. When in the net, characters
do not receive Dexterity adjustments to
AC and cannot fight. Captured members
may be dragged to shelter by their compatriots,
but will receive 1 point of damage
and be stunned for 2 rounds from being
dragged and thrown about. After the net is
thrown, all hobgoblins use composite <short> bows.

The party may seek cover underneath the
walkway or concealment in the bushes. The
walkway will provide 100% cover (the
party cannot be seen) from 4 of the
attackers and 50% concealment (-2 to AC)
from the other 8. The shrubbery and the
small trees provide 50% concealment (-2 to
AC) from all hobgoblin fire.

Hidden on the porch roof near the treetops
are 4 carnivorous apes who are
working with the hobgoblins. If anyone
makes for the doors 2 of the apes come
swinging down through the trees and
attack. The other 2 attack when help
arrives for the victims. The apes fight to the
death and will pursue the party into the corridor.

The oak door into the corridor is locked. <Open Locks, PH>
A thief must have 1 undisturbed round to
attempt to open it. A knock spell will open
the door, or it may be opened by rolling a 1
on 1d6 while 2 characters strike the door
simultaneously. The hobgoblins will not follow
into the corridor.

Any attempt by the party to gain the roof
will result in arrows being fired upon them
at +4 to hit by guards on the walls who
have 50% cover and are thus AC 2 (6 hp
each). The trapdoor on the roof is concealed
as a chimney pot.

12 Hobgoblins: AC 6, 2 in 50% cover; MV 9”;
HD 1 + 1; hp 6 each; #AT 2; D 1-6 by composite short bow
XP 32 each

Carnivorous apes: AC 6: MV 12”; HD 5;
hp 27, 26, 23, 19; #AT 3; D 1-4/1-4/1-8
plus rending damage (1-8) if it strikes
with the first 2 attacks
XP 305, 300, 285, 265
