35. The Kitchen

From beyond the door to this room may
be heard laughter. There is also the odor of <Odor Detection, DSG>
burning flesh. These doors open inward,
into the room beyond.

As you open the doors, you hear a
shouted command. This room appears
to be a huge kitchen, over 50 feet long
and wide, and 40 feet tall. About the
room are piles of crates and kegs, as well
as several tables and cabinets. In the center
<large table, low table, round table, small table, trestle table>
of the room is a large fire pit, the fire
in it licking at the charred head of a giant lizard
hanging head down into the fire by
a chain from the ceiling.

(If Icar is present:) You also see a 7- 
<Ability Score Adjustments for Tall Characters>
foot-tall black man in black plate mail
armor poking and turning the roasting
lizard with a two handed sword. He
turns to face the door, as the party
enters, and you see that his helm has no

At a <low> table in the east end of the room
sit three barbaric looking men, all bristly
bearded with coarse red hair. They have
mugs of heavy  beer in their left hands and smilingly
lift hand axes off the tabletop and
hurl them at the party.


As the hand axes are thrown, Icar (see
NPC Leader section) will shout another
command and step behind an enormous
wine <(Sunndish lilac)> cask about 30 feet in front of the door.
At the same time, 6 hobgoblins who have
been concealed behind stacks of kegs and
crates to either side of the doorway stand up
and throw their hand axes. Those hand axes
thrown by the hobgoblins are at medium
range and are at -2 to hit, those thrown by
the wereboars at the table are thrown from
long range and are -5 to hit.

Immediately after throwing their hand
axes, the 3 men, who are actually wereboars
in human form, duck behind the <low> table
and change into <wild> boars. One round later, the
wereboars charge forth. They move to
attack fighters and those characters who
talk, presuming them to he the leaders.

Icar, if present, will kick the legs out from
under the cask of wine <(Sunndish lilac)> and send it rolling
toward the door. The large cask will cause
1-6 points of damage to those in its path
who fail to save vs. Rods to evade it, and all
in its path will he stunned for 1 round.
Icar will then rush forward and attack the
most formidable fighters.

Icar will then use one of his favorite tactics,
attempting to drive opponents back to
the fire pit and then force them into it on a
score 4 better then the number needed to
strike the opponent. The fire pit will cause
3-18 points of <fire> damage per round; save vs.
Breath Weapon for 1/2 damage. As a last
defensive measure, he will stand in the fire
pit using the lizard for cover ( + 4 to his AC)
and throw handfuls of flaming grease at the
party (treat as flasks of oil). <Grenade-Like Missiles, DMG>

There are 8 hobgoblins in the room.
The 6 near the door, after throwing their
hand axes, attack the less formidable looking
characters in the party with <long> swords. The
2 remaining hobgoblins throw flasks of <Grenade-Like Missiles, DMG>
oil into the melee from behind cover. They
have 3 flasks of oil each. Then they
attack with cleavers (treat as hand axes).
Successful hits with the oil will cause 2-12
points of damage the 1st round and 1-6
points the 2nd round. Characters within
5 feet of thrown oil take 1-3 points of damage
from splashed oil.

The room is full of crates, casks, tuns,
boxes, and barrels of all descriptions. They
all contain food and drink of various
kinds--mostly foul by human standards. <Tainted Food, WSG>
<bread, greens, watered wine, pudding, tea>
Besides the 2<?> <low> tables where the wereboars
were sitting and 2 benches each, there is
another <large> table near the fire pit. Shelves line
the walls and contain more foodstuffs and
<water, meal (grain), giant crayfish, mead>
crude tableware. The only things of value in
the room are the belts that the wereboars
wear, each of which is inlaid with gold and
worth 150 gp. Icar wears a large set of keys
on his belt to the various doors in the fort,
but not to his treasure room.

Spread out on one of the cupboards, and
held down by a loaf of bread and a cup of
wine <(Sundish lilac)>, is a letter from the slave lords. It is
written in a special raised script so that Icar
can read it; a comprehend languages spell is
necessary for anyone else to read it. It
requests that a group of newly acquired
slaves be sent to them for questioning and
gives directions which will START the adventurers
in the general direction of Suderham.

Icar <Champion>: AC 1; MV 12";
hp 59; #AT <2>; D 1-10+2+3
<added double specialization>
<XP 940>

Equipment: lcar wields a two handed sword
+1 called Death's Master. He wears a
ring of fire resistance and is thus immune
to the effects of normal fire and saves at
+4 vs magical fire. The ring also subtracts
2 points per die of <fire> damage
caused by magical fire.

Wereboars (3): AC 4; MV 12"; HD 5+2;
hp 27, 23, 21; #AT 1; D 2-12; <D 1-6 by hand axe>
hit only by silver or magickal weapons
<THACO 15>
<437, 413, 401>

Hobgoblins (6): AC 6; MV 9"; HD 1+1;
hp 7 each; #AT 1; D <1-8 by long sword>, <1-6 by hand axe>
<THACO 18>
<XP 34 each, 204 total>

Hobgoblins (2): AC 6; MV 9"; HD 1+1;
hp 7 each; #AT 1; D 1-8 <1-6 by cleaver>, <2-12/1-3/1-6 by oil>
<Grenade-Like Missiles, DMG>
<THACO 18>
<XP 34 each, 68 totall>
