2. Pit Trap
As the party moves down this corridor, a
10 foot x 10 foot pit (7 feet deep) suddenly
opens under the 1st rank of characters.

Immediately, a large section of stone
on the north wall of the corridor slides
down, revealing a 1-foot-long brass nozzle
from which whooshing sounds

The characters who fell land on soft sand
and take no damage. The DM should get
immediate reactions from the players. Each
character may take 1 action before a jet of
flame shoots out from point a, covering the
entire corridor up to the pit. There is enough
time between the nozzle’s appearance and
the jet of flame for any character to jump
into the pit if desired. Characters in the pit
take no damage from the flames; characters
in the corridor above or north of the pit take
12 points of <fire> damage (save versus Breath
Weapons for 1/2 <fire> damage). A character in
the south section of the corridor (one who
has jumped over the pit, for example) will <Jumping, WSG>
suffer no damage.

This trap is a precaution of the slave lords
against 1 of them being captured and
forced to show the way in. Should the
golem have failed to SLAY the enemy, the
slave lord would walk ahead, fall into the
pit, and the captor would be roasted. Meanwhile,
the slave lord would open a secret
door in the wall of the pit (which can be
opened only with a special ring that only the
slave lords have) and would escape to the
Council Chamber (room 9).
