STOP! Read this
before continuing!
If as DM you want to gain the
maximum play value from this
adventure, then the following must
occur: The PCs must be
defeated in the Council Chamber of the
Slave Lords (area 9). This is necessary
since the next stage of the adventure is a
test of the true role-playing and thinking <Role Players, DSG>
skills of your players. Although it seems <Problem Solvers, DSG>
harsh, the party must begin the next
section as prisoners of the slave lords. In
this case, use the Captured! outcome for
room 9.

If you do not wish to arbitrarily
condemn your PCs to
capture, then a climactic final battle can
ensue! Use the Slave Lords! outcome for
room 9 in this case. However, this
outcome is very deadly; even if the
PCs succeed, they will be
prevented from playing in the final part
of the adventure (since that part of the
adventure applies only if they are

9. Council Chamber of
the Slave Lords
This long corridor is well-lit by many 
small oil lamps set into the wall. After
about 100 feet the corridor dead-ends.

The concealed door at the end of the corridor
will be found after 1 round of SEARCHING.
It can be opened easily by any member
of the party.
The door opens into a great room (70 feet
x 70 feet x 40 feet high) lit by large
torches set in wall sconces. There are
9 large throne-like chairs in a semicircle
facing the concealed door. A large
iron staircase spirals upward 
in the southwest part of the room. (If the
Captured! outcome is used, there are 5
men seated in the room. If the Slave
Lords! outcome is used, 7 of the 9
seats are occupied.) They are dangerous-looking
men and women wearing many
jewels and fine robes--and on some the
glint of concealed armor can be seen.

Although the men are clearly laughing,
no sound can be heard coming from the
room. As the party observes this scene,
the man sitting in the central throne (a
fighter-type with a black eyepatch) gestures
to an unseen henchman. Suddenly
a wall of stone drops 20 feet down the
corridor, blocking any hope of retreat!

The stone wall is impenetrable. If the
characters try to MOVE forward into the
room they discover an invisible wall of
force in a 10-foot-radius hemisphere from
the door.
As you struggle to win free of this trap, a
small panel in the ceiling opens and a vial
of fluid is hurled against the floor. The
vial shatters, releasing a thick green gas
as the opening in the ceiling is hastily
closed. Slowly, 1 by 1, you fall to
the ground unconscious--prisoners of
the slave lords.

Continue the adventure with the next
chapter, Dungeons of the Slave Lords.

Slave Lords!
The slave lords have observed the party’s
progress by means of a crystal ball with
clairaudience. They have spells and weapons
READY and cannot be surprised. The
slave lords are impressed with this party’s
tenacity and skill and view the coming battle
with some amusement. This will change,
however, as soon as 1 of the slave lords is
injured. This then becomes a FIGHT to the
death. The listing of reccomended actions
gives a guideline for actions the slave lords
are likely to take in the ensuing combat.

Prior to the Encounter
Stalman Klim casts resist fire, negative
dimesion protection, protection from evil 10'
radius, and meld into stone on himself. He
steps into a section of the wall and disappears.
All spells except the meld into stone
will be in effect for the duration of the combat.

Edralve casts a resist cold on herself and a
silence 15' radius on the doorway. These
spells are in effect for the duration of the

Ajakstu casts esp and polymorph self
upon himself. At this time he retains his
human form. This spell will remain in effect
during the entire combat.

Lamonsten casts his detect invisibility
and improved invisibility. The former will
be in effect for the entire combat.

Round 1
Ajakstu casts his slow spell on the party.
Nerelas sips his potion of invisibility.
Eanwulf throws his axe at the lead party
member. Brother Milerjoi, Theg Narlot,
and Slippery Ketta all throw 2 daggers at
spellcasters. Edralve begins a chant.

Round 2
Ajakstu casts a fireball at the doorway.
This will fill the 9 squares in front of the
door. Nerelas attempts to MOVE behind one
of the party members. Lamonsten casts his
fear at the party unless he might hit one of
his own group. In this case he will create a
hypnotic pattern. The others use missile
weapons as available. Edralve continues

Round 3
Eanwulf, Brother Milerjoi, and Theg Narlot
charge the party. Ajakstu casts
Evards black tentacles on the rear of the
party to pin them and block escape. Lamonsten
uses his fear, if available. Nerelas still
attempts to strike from behind. Stalman
Klim steps out of the wall. Slippery Ketta
uses thrown daggers to pin down any spellcasters.

Round 4
Stalman Klim calls down a flame strike
on the most threatening character. Ajakstu
casts his cone of cold if a clear TARGET is available.
The others continue as before.

The slave lords have not prepared
detailed battle plans beyond this point, partially
from over-confidence and partially
because they know it is pointless to plan
that far in advance.

If The Party Loses
If the players lose this battle and the DM
wishes to have them participate in the
remainder of the adventure, 2 options
can be used. The 1st is to have the players
create new characters (of approximately 4th
level) and continue Play with the next section.
As a 2nd choice, it can be assumed
that Stalman Klim has returned and, over
several days, CAST raise dead on all SLAIN
party members in order to torture and interrogate
them. He is ostensibly attempting to
learn how the PCs got as far as
they did. From the documents found on
them and their own statements, he hopes to
implicate Edralve, giving him an excuse to
remove her from power.

If The Party Wins
Congratulations are due.
The PCs are a mighty group indeed!

Stalman Klim and Edralve
The confrontation with the PCs
is the final part of Stalman's plots.
They have gained their way to The Inner
Council, a feat which should have been
impossible. Obviously, someone must have
given them help--but who? Stalman has
carefully prepared things to frame Edralve,
his major rival on the Inner Council. If the
PCs are captured, he is confident
he can force the info (which he
planted ) out of them. If they are dead, he
will speak with the dead to gain his "proof:'
Anyway, they are probably carrying the
papers (which he planted), more than
enough evidence to doom Edralve. And
with her gone, he should have no difficulties
with the rest.

Edralve, for her part, has been sent to
work with the slave lords, preparing the
way for future events. She has been gaining
more and more power in the Inner Council,
threatening Stalman's position. Following
orders from the Queen of the Spiders,
Edralve is about to assume control of this
useful organization known as the slave

>>Dungeons of the Slave Lords.