1. Main Gate

The entrance to this arched gateway is
guarded by a massive iron double door
(now open) and a raised portcullis. At
the far end of the gateway is a lowered
portcullis, with 2 armed men on sentry
duty standing before it. Beside each
sentry is a single iron door, one set in
each side of the gateway.

Each sentry post is maintained by a guard
soldier. 1 of the 2 will stop the party
and ask for their warrants && permits. If
these are shown to him in a polite manner he
will signal for the portcullis to be raised. If
threatened, he will blow his whistle. This
will summon 10 more soldiers from each of
the 2 guard rooms.

Guards (10 Vets): AC 4; hp 8 each;
#AT 3/2; D 2-8 1-8+2 <by halberd>
<halberd specialists>

XP 44

As you pass through the main gate and
take your first steps into the city, a wizened
beggar who had been sitting with
his back against a building looks at your
group carefully and then hobbles over to
you. "Alms for a crippled veteran," he
shouts, rattling the copper pieces in his
wooden bowl. As he approaches your
litter a sergeant of the guard shouts at
him to stop and charges forward, along
with 2 guardsmen. The beggar, with
remarkable dexterity, slips a hand inside
a litter and silently drops something. "I
was just asking the noble folk for a copper
or two," he croaks. "I'm a crippled
veteran and there's nothin' wrong with
that!" The sergeant strikes the beggar
roughly across the face. "You know the
law, scum--you can't accost people, you
can only wait for them to approach you
if they want to waste their copper on dirt
like you!" He turns to the litter and says,
"A thousand pardons for the intrusion,
gentles, but this one won't trouble you

The sergeant and his men take the beggar
away under arrest despite any protestations
of the party; other onlooking patrols should
convince the players that it would be foolish
to offer any resistance.

The item that the beggar dropped into the
litter is a roughly-carved piece of ivory in
the shape of a horse's head--perhaps a chess
piece! It actually refers to a tavern (14), the
Sign of the White Knight.
