B. Enraged Snapper

A giant snapping turtle has iust swum up
to the beach at this point. It is not yet full
grown, but it is a formidable creature nonetheless.
Normally bad-tempered, this reptile
has been whipped into an absolute fury by
the changes in its habitat. It is hiding in a
pothole at the edge of the water, and will
attack any creature that comes within 10
feet, suddenly extending its long neck to bite
with its powerful beak. Attacking this way,
it will surprise on a 1-4 (d6). If creatures pass
its position beyond 10 feet away, it will
attack regardless, shambling out of its pothole
in a short but surpising burst of speed

The snapper's shell is AC 0, but its head,
neck, and limbs are armor class 5. If they are
withdrawn into the shell, the extremities
become armor class 2. The snapping turtle is
too crazed and stupid to know when it is losing,
and will fight to the death.

If anyone takes an hour to dismember the
body, they will find some human or humanlike
bones, some rotting leather, and a silver
bracelet worth 375 gp in its gullet.

Giant turtle: AC 0/5; MV 3"//2"; HD 6;
hp 25; #AT 1; D 3-18
XP 800
