11. Fearsome Fungus
<Fungus Lore>
A party approaching this area will notice
a dull green glow from ahead, starting at
about 60 feet from the chamber (unless the
party has a light source of their own, in
which case they won't notice the glow until
they enter the area).

This is a damp chamber, where the slow
dripping has formed stactites and stalagmites.
There are about 12 piercer-sized
stalactites hanging from the ceiling.
One has recently fallen, and shattered
bits lie on the floor in the center of the
chamber. The glow comes from 17 round
phosphorescent fungi clustered in the
center of the chamber. Each is about 6
inches in diameter. In the center of the
fungus cluster stand 2 larger fungi.
Both are man-sized, and both resemble
shriekers, but 1 has four 4-foot-long

The branchless fungus is a shrieker but
the branched growth is a violet fungus. The
branches of the violet fungus form a protective
canopy over the shrieker and the
glow-fungi, for if any creature comes within
4 feet of the big fungus, it will lash out with
its oozing branches (able to attack any given
target with 2 of its branches). If characters
attempt to harvest the glow-fungi with
sticks or attack the violet fungus by staying
just outside its range, they will find that the
violet fungus can suddenly shamble forward
several feet and attack them nonetheless!
Any creature struck by a branch must
save vs. poison for each successful strike--failure
means death due to the powerful
flesh-rotting poison that oozes from the

The shrieker, of course, will shriek if anything
comes within 10 feet of it. If the violet fungus moves, 
the shrieker will also move in order to keep up with it.

The glow-fungi are also mobile (MV 1"),
and will get out of the way if the big fungi
start moving, scuttling frantically to keep
near but avoid being crushed, while making
annoyed little squeaking noises. A single
glow-fungus will shed decent (though green)
light in a 10-foot-radius, two provide a 20-
foot glow, and 3 or more give a good
light in a 30-foot-radius. If set down, however,
they walk away.

The fallen stalactite shattered into 6
good-sired chunks with sharp edges, but
these are also in the center of the room,
around the bases of the fungi. (Other bits
fell outside the range of the fungi, but scavengers
have taken them, leaving the only
chunks in the danger zone.) If used as weapons,
these stones inflict 1-4 points of damage
if thrown (short range 10 feet, medium
range 20 feet, long range 30 feet) or used as
hand-held bludgeons. If used as tools, they
can be used to snap off further stalactite and
stalagmite edges, thus arming the whole
party. 13 more chunks can be
removed in this manner.

Shrieker: AC 7; MV 1"; HD 3; hp 19, #AT 0; D nil
XP 24

Violet fungus: AC 7; MV 1"; HD 3; hp 20;
#AT 4; D flesh-rotting poison
XP 215
