12. Pool of the Old One
All entrances lead here to the edge of
an underground pool. The depth varies
from 7 to 15 feet. If a light source is in
use, it is possible to look right through
the still, crystal-clear waters. The bottom
of the pool is covered by clumps of
white shellfish. Occasionally, observers
will see blind white fish and crayfish. A
small stream trickles into the pool from
the mouth of one of the tunnels (the passageway
that leads to area 15, from
whence the stream comes).

This is where the kobolds (from area 6)
obtain their shellfish. The shells of these
creatures are long and oval, like mussels,
and sharpened, they will make serviceable
daggers or tools. As daggers they can be
used to strike at -2 to hit, and they will
inflict 1-4 points of damage. However, they
will have a 35% (non-cumulative) chance of
breaking on each successful hit.

Section 12A on the map is the visible part <map>
of the pool, that occupies the northern portion
of this cavern. Actually, the pool
extends much further (Section 12B), under
the rocks where there are no air pockets.
Deep in 12B is its secret source and exit,
both too small for a person to pass through.
Characters may wish to investigate 12B.
The DM is referred to area 10 for rules on
swimming underwater.

Section 12B is also the home of a giant
crayfish which will attack anyone who
intrudes into that section, surprising on a
1-3 (d6). This 9-foot horror is truly the king
of the pool, having eaten all of its competition.
Unlike its tiny blind cousins, it has full
vision. The ancient crustacean is used to
creatures passing through 12A. but any who
trespass into 12B will be savagely attacked.
It will even pursue the intruder into the
outer cavern (12A), halting only if its prey
should somehow escape into the dry tunnels.
It will then retire to its' own section.

Giant crayfish: AC 4; MV 6"/12";
HD 4 +4; hp 20; #AT 2; D 2-12/2-12
XP 190
