6. Kingdom of the Kobolds

This is the lair of the remnants of a kobold
tribe. They have been gradually dying out
for decades, and now only 16 are left. They
were driven down into the labyrinth when
the slave lords came and took over the
upper caves. They have barely survived
ever since. A few of their kind have managed
to escape the dungeon and are Now servants
of the slave lords. Those remaining
presume they are dead. Their weapons are
all constructed of bone and flint, and only
the leader has a shield <buckler> (thus their armor
classes are worse than the usual 7). They
have forgotten the use of fire and live
entirely on raw fish, which they catch in the
pool at 6C. They are dying out and they
know it. They attack any intruders with
desperate fury, fighting to the death. If an
alarm is raised, all the koholds will come to
defend their lair except the female guarding
the kobold cubs at 6C. All the caves and
passageways are natural, except the 4-foot-tall
tunnel from 6A to 6E. which was carved

6A. Entranceway
A party entering this AREA will notice that
the floor is clean of sand here, and is
quite smooth. There is a shrieker next to <Fungus Lore, DSG>
the wall where the corridor begins to
turn. Beyond it a faint green light glows
from a 4-foot-high tunnel opening.

The tunnel floor has been swept clean of
sand all the way up to chamber 6B. The
shrieker will howl for 1-3 rounds if any non-kobold
approaches within 10 feet, or if any
flaming light source comes within 30 feet.
Shrieking will alert the kobolds, who will
take up defensive positions in 6B and 6E.
This shrieker was raised by the kobolds
from a tiny fungus: they feed it, and it recognizes
them as no threat.

Shrieker: AC 7; MV 1”; HD 3; hp 6; #AT 0;
D nil
XP 11

6B. Chamber of the Hunters <link>
There are 4 male adult kobolds in this
chamber. The smooth passageway slants
slightly upward toward thhis room, and if
intruders approach, the kobolds dump a
6-gallon skin of fish oil down the tunnel.
This oil will spread 20 feet down the passageway
in 1 round. All characters are
probably in their bare feet, and any character
attempting to MOVE across the slippery
area will have to roll his or her Dexterity
score or below on 1d20 to avoid falling.
Fallen characters lose a round as they regain
their balance and footing, and the kobolds
will he able to strike at any front-rank fallen
characters at a +2 to hit. 2 fallen characters
block the passage until they regain their

The fish oil is quite flammable, hut the
kobolds are not in it and will not burn if it
should somehow he set alight.

The kobolds then take up a defensive
position at the mouth of the tunnel: 2 in
front wield spears set vs. charge (double
damage on a hit if opponents charges into
them), and the other 2 stand behind them
on a slab of rock, slinging over the heads of
the spearmen as long as they can.

This chamber contains very little, all
total: 4 sand mounds where the kobolds
sleep, a pothole full of sling bullets (18 in
all), and 2 half-finished spears. All of the
kobolds’ spears are con!;tructed of bone
with flint spearheads. They are held
together by animal sinew.

4 Kobolds: AC 8; MV 6”; HD 1/2: hp 3 each;
#AT 1; D 1-6 with spear, 1-4 with sling
THACO 20n1
XP 8 each

6C. Kobolds’ Kitchen
A waterfall-fed pool of water in the
northeast corner dominates this chamber.
The water rushes out of a hole in the ceiling
and falls into the pool, where it drains out of
another hole. (Neither is large enough for
even a hobbit to pass through.) Fish occasionally
come in with the, stream, and the
kobolds catch them in a much-repaired 2-
foot-diameter net which hangs beneath the
falls. The pool is only 2 feet deep. The
stream brings in food and water, and carries
off refuse. The whole room has an
extremely offensive dead-fish smell. 
<Odor Detection, DSG>

There is a 2-foot-high niche or horizontal
crack in the northwest wall of the chamber,
and various things are stored there, including:
2 bone knives, a flint knife, some
sharp seashell scraping tools, another skin
of fish oil (3 gallons) a 3rd skin with lumps
of fish fat in the bottom, and 47 fish heads in
various stages of decomposition.

There are also 2 kobolds in this room,
a male and a female.

Male kobold: AC 8; MV 6"; HD 1/2; hp 3;
#AT 1; D 1-6 with spear, 1-4 with sling
THACO 20n1
XP 8


Female kobold: AC 8; MV 6"; HD 1/2; hp 2;
#AT 1; D 1-6 with club
THACO 20n1
XP 7

6D. Nursery
In this chamber are 1 female and 4
young kobolds. If the lair is attacked, the
female will hustle the children into the west
end of the chamber and take up a defensive
position behind the stalactite columns that
divide the room. She will defend the young
to the death. The room is otherwise bare
except for some raw fish and a few kobold child
toys (rat bones, etc.).

Female kobold: AC 8; MV 6"; HD 1/2; hp 2;
#AT 1: D 1-6 with club
THACO 20n1
XP 7

4 Young kobolds (4): AC 10; MV 6”;
HD 1/3: hp 1 each; #AT 0; D nil
XP 1 each

6E. Chieftain’s Chamber
This is the kobold chieftain’s chamber,
and it is considerately more elaborate than
the others. The room is lit by a dim green
glow from patches of phosphorescent mold
on the walls. The walls themselves are covered
with lurid murals done in black and
red-brown (tar and blood), depicting savage
scenes of kobolds triumphing over huge
enemies and the like. There is a crude, raised
seashell mosaic of Kurtulmak, god of the
koholds, on the south wall. The chieftain’s
throne is a pile of rocks and sand between
3 large stalagmites. Many raw fish are
scattered around--some have obviously
been here too long. There is a 2-foot-high
pile of stones across the mouth of the short
passage to 6A. This serves as a barricade in
case of assault, providing the kobolds with
50% cover (+4 AC bonus vs. missile

In this room are 4 females and the
chieftain, Klobt-a-lozn. Klobt wields an
ancient <gladius>, a sacred tribal relic
which his fathers had for generations. He is
also the only kobold with a <buckler>, an elaborate
affair made of hide and bone. Klobt will
direct the defense intelligently, but he will
not surrender.

Buried under the sand and rocks that
serve as the chieftain’s throne is the kobolds'
greatest treasure. In a small pit, covered
with a flat stone, are 4 cp, 6 sp, one-half of a
gold piece, and 3 white pearls, each of
which is a base 100 gp gem. 
<20, 100, 50>

Female kobolds (4): AC 8; MV 6";
HD 1/2; hp 2 each; #AT 1; D 1-6 with
spear, 1-4 with sling
THACO 20n1
XP 7 each

Klobt-a-lozn: AC 7; MV 6"; HD 1-1; hp 6;
#AT 1; D 1-6
XP 11
