15. Mushroom Garden

A small stream runs from this chamber <Flowing Water, DSG>
down the tunnel, toward the pool (area 12).
The water drips steadily from the ceiling of
this damp chamber, creating large (and
unbreakable) stalagmites and stalactites and
providing a humid environment for the scores <Humidity = x>
of strange fungi and molds that grow here. <Fungus Lore, DSG>
These come in all colors, shapes, and sizes,
including some mushrooms that are 9 feet tall,
and have thick log-like trunks. The room is
faintly lit by a reddish, flickering glow.

None of the growths in this chamber are <Fungus Lore, DSG>
harmful unless eaten (60% chance of being
safe, 30% chance of deadly poisonous, save
vs. poison necessary, and 10% chance
causes hallucinatory insanity for 1 week,
no saving throw). The mushroom logs are
light but fairly strong, and though they are
easily portable, it will take crude tools at
least to hack the giant mushrooms apart.

Also in this chamber, near the northwest
wall, are 3 fire beetles, the source of the
reddish glow. These giant insects live on the
many types of fungus found here. They will
ignore intruders unless they come within 5
feet, in which case the beetles consider them
attackers and will fight. If removed, the
3 glowing glands from each beetle will
radiate light for 1-6 days, illuminating a 10-
foot radius.

Fire beetles (3): AC 4; MV 12"; HD 1+2;
hp 7 each; #AT 1; D 2-8
XP 34 each
