The Jester

Jester's special abilities Weapons and armor Magic items Henchmen and hirelings Magic spells
Dragon Classes - Best of Dragon, Vol. IV Dragon 60

Q. What is the 'jester' mentioned in
issue 11 of IMAGINE magazine?

A .The jester is one of the new, Official
character classes that we haven't
seen yet -- and possibly the replacement
for the bard.  The character
classes which were planned are the
jester, savant (a wizard subclass),
mystic (a priest subclass),
mountebank (a thief variant) and the
Grand Druid (a 15th level green
fingered genius).
(Imagine #15)

    STRENGTH = 6
    WISDOM = 12*
    DEXTERITY = 9*
    CHARISMA = 13
4. POSSIBLE RACES & MAX. LEVEL ATTAINABLE = h.U, he.U, g.U. ha3, d3, e3.
6. HIT DIE TYPE = d6
9. ARMOR PERMITTED = leather
10. SHIELD PERMITTED = small shields
11. WEAPONS PERMITTED = club, dagger, scimitar, sling, stave, sword (short, long, broad)
13. POISON PERMITTED = yes (almost never but under the most extreme circumstances)
14. ALIGNMENT = NG, CG, TN, or CN.
16. WEAPON PROFICIENCIES = 2 (5th, 9th, etc.)
19. STARTING AGE = <?>
20. COMBAT = thief
21. SAVING THROWS = thief +1
22. MAGIC ITEMS = magic leather armor, magic small shields, magic weapons

* +1 initiative
* raise/lower morale (+10/-10)
* immune to insanity
* ventriloquism, at will
* evade blows (x2 Dex bonus)
* L16: read scrolls as thief

Note: The following is the version from Best of Dragon IV.
(The following is the version from Dragon #60, to be microscopically precise.)

Jesters are adventurous NPCs with an overwhelming sense of the absurd.
They roam from place to place, telling tales, pulling practical jokes, insulting the most fearsome of monsters and characters, and generally making nuisances of themselves.
Because of their outlook on the world and their special powers, they may prove potentially useful (or annoying) to adventuring parties.

Only humans, half-elves, and gnomes have unlimited advancement in this class.
Halflings, dwarves, and elves may become jesters, but can only progress to 3rd level (Clown).

Halflings and dwarves have great difficulty in casting the magical spells that jesters thrive upon,
and dwarves tend to be too serious to make a living at acting silly (which is a pity).
Elves find it hard to poke fun at people on a lifelong basis.
Since half-orcs and their kin all think things like thumb screws and iron maidens are marvelously comic (feelings not shared by many other people), they may not become jesters.
Half-elves can advance without limit because they are able to draw from human and elven comedy and thus have a richer sense of humour.
Gnomes are more adventurous on the whole than halflings are, can cast magical spells, and are more mischievous as well; thus, they can progress much further than the latter race.

A jester must be either NG,
CG, TN, or CN.
The INT && WIS scores of
a jester must each be at least 12, charisma
must be at least 13, and dexterity must be 9
or better.
Jesters with I, W, and D scores
all of 16 or higher gain a 10% bonus to earned XP.
Charisma, in the case of a jester, refers
primarily to his || her skill in drawing
attention and not to physical appearance,
which may vary widely. Jesters tend to be
smaller than the average height of their race.

The jester class cannot be combined with
any other class at any time by the same
character. Any change from the jester's
alignment immediately makes the jester a
thief with only climbing and pickpocketing
thieving skills. If he or she changes or is
changed back to the former alignment or
another acceptable one, the character may
resume play as a jester after a rest of one
month of game time.

Jester's HD are six-sided, and
they may have as many as 10 HD. Beyond
10th level, the jester gets two additional HP
per level.

Jesters' special abilities
    1. One new language, over and above
those already allowed to the jester NPC
because of INT, may be learned at
each odd-numbered level of experience,
incl. first level. To reflect the jester's
naturally strange mind, the new language
may (if the DM desires) be rolled randomly
from the table on p. 102 of the DMG,
re-rolling if the resulting language is
already known.

    2. Due to outrageous mannerisms and
peculiar dress, jesters gain a +1 on initiative
die rolls in combat situations with all types
of opponents (who are assumed to be
too stunned or surprised to react quickly).

    3. Jesters save on the thief table, with a
+ 1 on all saves to account for their extremely
good luck.

    4. Jesters can climb walls and other rough
vertical surfaces with a base of 75% chance
of success. This chance improves 2% for
each level thereafter to a max. chance
of 99%. Racial and DEX bonuses for
climbing, from p. 16 of the PH,
are applicable to jester NPCs.

5. From the third level onward, jesters
may pick pockets as well as does a thief of
two levels lower. Racial and dexterity
bonuses apply to this ability as well.

6. Being the masters of wit and insult that
they are, jesters may raise the morale of
friendsand lower the morale of enemies
within a 60-foot raidus of the jester. The
morale score alteration is either + 10% or
- 10 %, depending on whether the listener is
an ally or an enemy. There is no saving
throw against this ability. A jester who is
engaged in altering the local morale conditionis
can perform other actions at the same
time, like fighting, climbing, running, etc.
Morale is altered through the skillful use of
loud vocal commentary and hand gestures;
thus, silence, paralysis, hold, and other
related spells can preent morale alteration
if used successfully against the offending
jester. The morale effects begin immediately
after one round of verbal and somatic communication
by the jester, and continue for
as long as the jester cares to keep it up (to a
max. of 6 turns, when he or she gets
hoarse) plus 2-8 turns thereafter.

Only those creatures able to understand
what the jester is saying will be affected. A
jester who insults orcs in the hill giant
tongue will have no effect on their morale,
but a hill giant behind the orcs, if within
60', will certainly be affected. In the same
situation, if another NPC was within 60' of teh
jester, was allied with the jester, and
understood the hill giant language, he
would ave an improved morale score at the
same time the hill giant's morale is lowered.
If the hill giant fails a morale check, he will
leave (ears burning) and not return for at
least 20 minutes.

7. Jesters of any level are immune to
insanity of any sort (no matter what
else thinks). This does not include confusion
spells and the like.

8. Jesters are accustomed by TRADE to
juggling small objects and doing tricks with
them. This experience has an important
side effect. Any time a jester is aware that a
small grenade-like object, dagger or dart
has been tossed within 10' of him or her,
there is a base 80% chance, +1% per level
of the jester to a max. of 99%, that the
jester can successfully catch teh item in
question and immed. (in the same
segment) toss it back in the direction it
came from. The jester cannot do anything
else in that ruond, but may do this up to
three times in a round if necessary. Only
objects up to 10 gp (one pound) in wieght
may be caught in this manner. The category
of grenade-like objects could incl. vials of
poison, flaming bottles of oil, acid grenades,
or the third form of the Otiluke's freezing
sphere spell. Even a poisoned dagger may
be safely grasped if the jester catches it,
provided the hilt itself is not poisoned. The
jester will not be struck by the item if he or
she misses, unless the caster had made a
successful "to hit" score in the first place. If
the jester catches a dagger or dart but has
no expertise with the weapon, it can be
thrown back but will carry a non-proficiency
penalty on its chance to score a
hit. To perform this action, the jester must
have at least one hand free and cannot be
wearing any sort of glove or hand covering.

9. At the 16th level of experience and
above, a High Jester is also known as a
Prince of Fools. He or she then gains the
power to read and utilize scrolls of a magic-user
or illusionist nature, with the same
degree of skill as a 10th-level thief. The
same chances for causing the spell to be
misunderstood or backfire are present;
however, if the spell backfires, there is only
a 10% chance that it will adversely affect
the jester casting it. (Other people nearby
may not be so fortunate.)

10. Jesters are so skilled at casting their
voices (most commonly when using mannequins)
that they function as if they had a
permanent ventriloquism spell, though this
ability is not magical. The range of this
ability is a 1" radius around the jester (10'
indoors and 30' outdoors). As with the
spell, the jester may change his or her voice,
make different sorts of noises, and so on, so
long as the noises are something that could
conceivably be made vocally. There is a
10% chance per point of intelligence that
each listener has above the intelligence of the
jester that the ruse will be discovered.
This chance may be rolled once per round
when the ventriloquism ability is used.

11. Acrobatics and tumbling are commonly
used by jesters in their shows. These
skills come in handy in combat situations. A
jester may opt to evade a blow from a hand-held
weapon in combat by twisting out of
the weapon's way. If the jester elects to do
this, his usual dexterity bonus for AC
is doubled for that round. Thus, a
jester with a 17 Dex who normally
gains a -3 AC bonus would gain a -6 AC
bonus during the round he was evading
attacks. Any number of attacks made in
that round may be so evaded. However, this
special bonus does not apply against any
thrown or hurled missiles, and the jester
cannot attack, climb, or perform other
actions in the same round. The jester may
elect to evade attack if he loses initiative in a
round, but must make this declaration
immed. after the initiative roll.

6-sided dice for 
hit points
Level title
0 -- 1,100 1 1 Wit
1,101 -- 2,200 2 2 Comic
2,201 -- 4,500 3 3 Clown
4,501 -- 9,000 4 4 Buffoon
9,001 -- 18,000 5 5 Joker
18,001 -- 36,000 6 6 Trickster
36,001 -- 66,000 7 7 Harlequin
66,001 -- 106,000 8 8 Merryandrew
106,001 -- 160,000 9 9 Jester
160,001 -- 250,000 10 10 High Jester 
250,001 -- 450,000 11 10 + 2 High Jester (11th)
450,001 -- 650,000 12 10 + 4 High Jester (12th)
650,001 -- 850,000 13 10 + 6 High Jester (13th)
850,001 -- 1,050,000 14 10 + 8 High Jester (14th)

200,000 XP per level for each additional level beyond the 14th.
Jesters gain 2 HP per level after the 10th.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 1 75% -- 81% -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2 0 77% -- 82% 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
3 1 79% 30% 83% 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
4 0 81% 35% 84% 2 1 -- -- -- -- -- --
5 1 83% 40% 85% 3 2 -- -- -- -- -- --
6 0 85% 45% 86% 3 2 1 -- -- -- -- --
7 1 87% 50% 87% 4 3 2 -- -- -- -- --
8 0 89% 55% 88% 4 3 2 1 -- -- -- --
9 1 91% 60% 89% 4 4 3 2 -- -- -- --
10 0 92% 65% 90% 4 4 3 2 1 -- -- --
11 1 93% 70% 91% 4 4 4 3 2 -- -- --
12 0 94% 80% 92% 4 4 4 3 2 1 -- --
13 1 95% 90% 93% 4 4 4 4 3 2 -- --
14 0 96% 100% 94% 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 --
15 1 97% 105% 95% 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 --
16 0 98% 110% 96% 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
17 1 99% 115% 97% 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2
18 0 99% 125% 98% 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
19 1 99% 125% 99% 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Weapons and armor
    Jesters may only wear leather armor, but
they may employ small shields of any sort in
combat. They tend to dress in bright colors.
The only weapons permitted to jesters are
clubs, daggers, scimitars, slings, staves, and
swords (either short, long, or broad
swords). Oil may be used as a weapon, but
jesters will almost never use poison under
any circumstances except the most extreme.
Too frequent use of poison changes a jester's
alignment to evil irrevocably. Jesters attack
on the thief's combat table, but have none
of the thief's benefits on backstabbing opponents.
Two weapons may initially be chosen
by a jester character at first level. The non-proficiency
penalty is -3, and a new weapon
is gained for every four levels of experieince
beyond the first (5th, 9th, etc.)

Magic items
Magic leather armor, magic small shields,
and magic weapons of the permitted types
may be employed by jester characters. Only
those magic items usable by all character
classes and restricted to none may also be
used by a jester.


At the DM's option, jesters
may have several special magical items that
can be used only by the jester class. Other
character classes attempting to make use of
these items may suffer minor damage, a
mild form of insanity or confusion, or some
effect of a comic nature. The DM
is left to his or her own best judgement
and creativity in coming up with such
items and their potentially useful or debilitating
effects. Imagine the uses of the Nose of Bozo,
the Arrow of Steve Martin, or the
dreaded Tome of Henny Youngman.

A wand of wonder, by the way, is often a
jester's most prized possession. For some
strange reason, such wands do not use up
charges when used by jesters, so they have
an effectively infinite lifespan in a jester's
hands. A jester also has a 5% chance per
level or controlling the wand's output -- not
that this makes the wand any safer or more
useful to anyone but the jester.

Henchmen and hirelings
Jesters may take into service any sort of
standard hireling as listed in the DMG,
with the exception of any
lawful or evil characters. Henchmen may be
taken at any level and may be any character
except paladins, assassins, monks, and any
other lawful or evil characters. jesters do
not normally establish castles or citadels,
and won't attract any followers even if they
do. They can give performances at arenas
in any city, as well as spontaneous shows at
any street corner; payment by local crowds
should be determined by the DM. A jester
of ninth level or more may establish a "fun
house" or carnival to attract bigger crowds
and make more money; details, again
should be worked out by the DM.

Magic spells
By dint of studious application, their
warped personalities, their exceptional
verbal skills, and lots of luck, jesters may
commit to memory a small number of
magic spells normally usable by magic-uers,
druids, or illusionists. All the jester's
spells are of the enchantment/charm variety,
and there is a 1% chance per level of a spell
that it will misfire each time it is used and
have no effect, since jesters' minds weren't
well made for storing spells. Jesters must
research spells they wish to know (and may
invent new ones if they desire). Upon learning
each new spell, a jester is able to record
it in a special spell book that cannot be used
by anyone but another jester, so he or she
can relearn the spell after it is cast. This is
very much like the way in which rangers
learn and use their magic-user spells. Jesters
can cast their spells while wearing leather
armor. A complete list of spells follows,
though the DM may include other
enchantment/charm spells as well.

First level
1. animal friendship (D)
2. charm person (M)
3. friends (M)
4. hypnotism (I)
5. sleep (M)

Second level
1. forget (M)
2. ray of enfeeblement (M)
3. scare (M)
4. trip (D)

Third level
hold animal (D)
hold person (M)
suggestion (M)

Fourth level
charm monster (M)
confusion (M)
fumble (M)

Fifth level
feeblemind (M)
hold monster (M)

Sixth level
mass suggestion (I)

Seventh level
mass charm (M)

Eighth level
Otto's irresistible dance (M)

Jester Table II shows the levels at which a
jester may gain new spells and how many
spells the jester may cast per day. Jester
NPCs will use these spells to best possible
advantage in causing the most amusing
situations that can be imagined by the DM.
Only in times of great danger or duress will
the jester use these spells with an intent to
cause real harm.

If cantrips (0-level MU and illusionist
spells) are used in a campaign, a
jester may learn to use them. A 1st level
jester can use two cantrips per day, and may
gain the ability to cast an extra cantrip with
every new level gained thereafter. A jester
often uses these minor spells as part of his
sideshow, though they may also have some
very important and surprising uses during
an adventure.

Q: The jester NPC class (issue #60) seems
to allow certain races like dwarves and
halflings to get the ability to cast magical
spells they could not normally use.

A: Jesters were designed to be unusual
NPCs; however, if a DM finds some of
their abilities to be too unusual, then of
course some changes in the class may be
made. DMs might consider having only
humans and gnomes be jesters if they
wish to restrict the class only to those
beings who can use illusionist magic,
possibly including half-elves if one
wanted to stretch it a bit, but this is all up
to the DM.

Q: Also,
some races are noted in the Players
Handbook as being able to learn only a
few extra languages due to their intelligence,
while jester NPCs are supposed to
gain a new language every other level.

A: As for the second question,
there are other character classes like
druids and bards who are able to learn a
number of languages over and above any
racial or intelligence limits; the jester is
free to do so, too, by the same token.



11 | Crazy Chester (enchanter 17; 92.714)

10 | Boiyung (elf smuggler 11; 92.686)




6. <replace: no goblin jesters>




2. <what kind of undead?>

1. <edit: no mad jesters>




Originally Posted by Barak
And that's exactly what I meant by forthcoming typos. Obviously, by "appaled", Gary meant "agreeing".

What can I say. I love dwarves, I hate elves, and I'm human. 

Dwarven jesters have small wit <EEK!>


  :confused: Is that a pun?!?! :D
  who? Gary? pun??? nawwww. (power xp number 8 or 9)


The Jester
A comical, clever, charismatic NPC
by Roger Moore

Jesters are adventurous non-player characters <NPCs> with an overwhelming sense of the absurd.


if I & W & D = 16+, then +10% XP

1. DMG.102
2. +1 init
3. save as thief +1
4. climb walls (apply race & dex modifiers, from PH.16)
5. pick pockets (see table)
6. raise/lower morale (language-dependent, range 60'r, duration: concentration [up to 6 turns] + 2-8 turns) : +10% or -10%
7. immune = insanity
8. Juggling (Catch object) : as OA proficiency. toss back projectiiles, up to 1#, (attack of opportunity)
9. L16 = Prince of Fools : may read or use MU or I scrolls, as a L10 thief. However, only a 10% chance of an adverse effect on the jester, if the scroll backfires.
10. Ventriloquism (range 1" - 10' indoors, 30' outdoors). 10% chance per point of listener intelligence above the jester's intelligence that the ruse will be discovered.
11. Acrobatics = double dexterity bonus for the round.

[12.] A jester has a 5% chance per level of controlling a wand of wonder's output.


Experience Points Experience Level 6-sided dice for 
accumulated hit points
Level title Weapon 
proficiencies *
- - - -
0 -- 1,100 1 1 Wit 2
1,101 -- 2,200 2 2 Comic -
2,201 -- 4,500 3 3 Clown -
4,501 -- 9,000 4 4 Buffoon -
9,001 -- 18,000 5 5 Joker 3
18,001 -- 36,000 6 6 Trickster -
36,001 -- 66,000 7 7 Harlequin -
66,001 -- 106,000 8 8 Merryandrew -
106,001 -- 160,000 9 9 Jester 4
160,001 -- 250,000 10 10 High Jester -
250,001 -- 450,000 11 10 + 2 High Jester (11th) -
450,001 -- 650,000 12 10 + 4 High Jester (12th) -
650,001 -- 850,000 13 10 + 6 High Jester (13th) 5
850,001 -- 1,050,000 14 10 + 8 High Jester (14th) -

200,00 experience points per level for each additional level beyond the 14th.
Jesters gain 2 hit points <HP> per level after the 10th.

* -3 non-proficiency penalty

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 1 75 - 81 2 - - - - - - - -
2 0 77 - 82 3 1 - - - - - - -
3 1 79 30 83 4 2 - - - - - - -
4 0 81 35 84 5 2 1 - - - - - -
5 1 83 40 83 <> 6 3 2 - - - - - -
6 0 85 45 86 7 3 2 1 - - - - -
7 1 87 50 87 8 4 3 2 - - - - -
8 0 89 55 88 9 4 3 2 1 - - - -
9 1 91 60 89 10 4 4 3 2 - - - -
10 0 92 65 90 11 4 4 3 2 1 - - -
11 1 93 70 91 12 4 4 4 3 2 - - -
12 0 94 80 92 13 4 4 4 3 2 1 - -
13 1 95 90 93 14 4 4 4 4 3 2 - -
14 0 96 100 94 15 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 -
15 1 97 105 95 16 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 -
16 0 98 110 96 17 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
17 1 99 115 97 18 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2
18 0 99 125 98 19 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
19 1 99 125 99 20 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4


All jester spells are enchantment/charm : whenever cast, they have a 1% chance per level of backfiring.

If cantrips (0-level magic-user and illusionist spells) are used in a campaign,
a jester may learn to use them .
A 1st-level jester can use two cantrips per day,
and may gain the ability to cast an extra cantrip with every new level gained thereafter.

First level
[animal friendship] (D)
[charm person] (M)
[friends] (M)
[hypnotism] (I)
[sleep] (M)


Second level
[forget] (M)
[ray of enfeeblement] (M)
[scare] (M)
[trip] (D)

Third level
[hold animal] (D)
[hold person] (M)
[suggestion] (M)

Fourth level
[charm monster] (M)
[confusion] (M)
[fumble] (M)

Fifth level
[feeblemind] (M)
[hold monster] (M)

Sixth level
mass suggestion (I)

Seventh level
[mass charm] (M)


Eighth level
[otto's irresistible dance] (M)


A jester was seeking a rhyme
To placate his lord for a time.
He joked of undead
And kept wearing his head.
A lich in line saves mime.

-- Toni Leigh Perry


Jester adjustments

Dear Editor:
The article in DRAGON #60 about elves was
superb, as were the sections on alignment
and cantrips. Then came a new NPC class, the
Jester. I thought the Jester was very well
done, but I found three mistakes.

First, on Table I, the experience level is ten
levels higher for the first ten categories than it
should be. A simple typographical error, but
still . . .

Second, according to the article half-orcs
may achieve 4th level — but this is wrong. In
order to become a Jester, a charisma of 13 or
greater is needed, and no half-orc may possess
a charisma rating higher than 12 (see
Character Race Table III, page 15, PH).

Finally, Jesters gain spell power as they
advance in level. Unfortunately, halflings and
dwarves may advance to respectable level,
thus gaining the ability to cast spells of a magical
nature. This is a power specifically prohibited
to either race. I find this particularly
ironic because Mr. Moore (the author) once
wrote, “Dwarves do not use any magical
spells . . .” (DRAGON #58, page 25).

All told, I still have great respect for Mr.
Moore’s writing skills, as I do for all the contributing
authors to your magazine.

Richard Falkenrath, Jr.
Little River, Calif
(Dragon #65)

We plead guilty to the first count, Richard. It
was indeed a “simple” typesetting error; call it
nine errors, if you want to get particular, but
don’t blame us for ten of ‘em. The level
numbers 11-19 at the top of the experience
point chart should be 1-9, obviously — but
level 10 is supposed to be level 10.

However, I think we can debate your second
and third complaints. Neither the author
(Roger Moore) nor the editor (me) thought
about the half-orc’s charisma limit before the
article was printed — but remember that the
limit of 12 does not apply to other half-orcs,
and a half-orc’s charisma with respect to others
of the same race can be higher than that.
(See pages 16-17, PH.)
    <Half-Orc CHA>
    <Dwarven CHA>

A DM who wants to
use a half-orc jester NPC could justify it by
allowing the character to meet the charisma
qualification as long as the character’s pregenerated
score for that ability is 13 or higher.

I can’t explain the final “mistake” you pointed
out by referring to a rule book, but I can ask
you to accept the “fact” that the jester, as
presented in that article, is a unique character
class, and dwarves and halflings who are
members of that class are likewise unique in
their ability to manipulate (however inefficiently
and unpredictably) some of the forces
of magic. As support for that line of reasoning,
I offer this month’s edition of “From the
Sorceror’s Scroll” (page 9), wherein Gary
Gygax describes his concept of a jester as a
character — which can be human, gnome, or
halfling — with “some magic-user spells and
illusionist magic.” If both he and we have
made a “mistake,” then at least we’re in good

— KM
(Dragon #65)