Singing  a new tune
A different bard, not quite so hard
by Jeffery Goelz

Bard abilities and characteristics
Arms and armor of bards
Magical items usable by bards
Saving throws
Spell use and languages
The bard's lore
Charms and suggestions
Other effects of bard's songs
Miscellaneous information
Best of Dragon, Vol. III
Dragon 56

[Note: Though this is the version from Dragon 56, the spell progression has been corrected, as per Best of Dragon III.]

    (A conversation of a DM with two NPCs; Jake Armageddon, a half-orc fighter/assassin, and Jake’s
brother Alphonse, a cleric/assassin.)
DM: Guys, I’m glad you could come. I want your
opinion on a particular subject.
Jake: Go ahead, boss. Whatcha wanna talk about?
DM: Urn . . . bards.
(The two valiant half-orcs immediately run into the
nearest corner, cowering and whimpering.)
Alphonse: Ach, sss, it hurts uss. It hurts usss,
nasssty DM.
DM: Don’t worry, I’m not going to bring one here
right now. I just wanted to talk about them.
(Jake and Alphonse apprehensively come back from
the corner.)
Jake: Boss, bards are just plain mean! Me and Alphie
will probably be in  the runnin’ for guildmaster pretty
soon now, but these bard guys could lick the tar out of
both of us.
DM: Which ones are worse, the old-type bards or the
newer- type ones?
Jake: Well, I’ll tell ya, I’d rather run into a division of
Sherman tanks than one of the old ones, and the newer
ones are just as bad ‘cept nowadays there sure are less
of ‘em, ‘cause it takes them so long to become one.
Alphonse: Ach, sss, nasssty bardsses.
DM: Jake, where did you learn about Sherman
tanks? . . .

There is one great drawback to the bard class as described in
the AD&DPlayers Handbook, that being that you have to go
through 10 to 16 levels as something else before you may
become a bard. The modified bard class described in the article
which follows removes this inhibiting factor; the bard class, as
redefined according to the author’s experience and opinions, is
one which a beginning character may enter without having to
gain fighter and thief experience first. It is also a class which,
unlike the official AD&D bard, does not possess thieving abilities — but does have limited power in the use of illusionist

In planning a revision of the the bard class, a path could have
been chosen toward one of the two possible extremes: either to
rework the material in the Players Handbook without altering
any of the basic structure underlying the class, or to literally
start from scratch and design an entire new class, perhaps
having only its name and a few of the most basic characteristics
in common with the official version. In the end, the path chosen
lies between the extremes but ends up closer to the second one
than the first.

I chose the Welsh version of the bard as my source, for
several reasons. The bardic heritage of the Welsh people is rich
and continues even to modern times, with annual gatherings at
bardic festivals. More importantly, the version is readily available to most people in Evangeline Walton’s version of the Welsh
Mabinogion tetralogy.

Similarities may be found between this version and the version in the Players Handbook. (After all, they both describe
essentially the same thing, only from different perspectives.)
When there was no evident reason to change a characteristic or
attribute, that item was kept fundamentally the same. Many
differences will be noted, including but not limited to those
mentioned above.

It is easy to see how thieving abilities could be introduced
into a non-Welsh version of a bard, but not in the bard as viewed
by the Welsh themselves. Welshmen had a somewhat poor
reputation in the eyes of other British peoples. The concept of
“welshing” on a bet is derived from the Welsh people. Also,
there is a British saying that equates Welshmen with thieves. If
the Welsh bard is assumed to be the prototypical bard (the Irish
may have a quarrel with this), non-Welsh writers may have
understandably included this thievery aspect in their literature.
The “illusionist connection” is demonstrated well by Evangeline Walton’s works, such as the incredible illusion Manawyddan created at the court of Caswallon in The Song of Rhiannon.

This description certainly portrays a bard differently than the
Players Handbook — but no claim of superiority is made for it.
The differences arise from different perceptions, probably derived from a difference in sources. I can state that this bard is
better for my purposes, and I believe that it has more versatility
and fewer restraints than the official bard. I hope other players
will find it useful as well.

Bard abilities and characteristics

A bard must have certain minimum ability scores. These are:
strength 9; intelligence 15; wisdom 12; constitution 6; dexterity
16; and charisma 15. A bard does not gain 10% to earned
experience for exceptional ability scores in any area.
dice for 
hit pts.
Charm Lore Read 
1 0--2,000 Rhymster 1 10% 0% 0%
2 2,001--4,000 Versifier 2 15% 1% 5%
3 4,001--8,000 Lyrist 3 20% 2% 15%
4 8,001--16,000 Sonnateer 4 24% 5% 20%
5 16,001--33,000 Troubador 5 28% 8% 25%
6 33,001--67,000 Minstrel 6 32% 11% 30%
7 67,001--135,000 Skald 7 36% 14% 35%
8 135,001--270,000 Lorist 8 40% 18% 40%
9 270,001--500,000 Muse 9 44% 22% 45%
10 500,001--750,000 Laureate 10 48% 26% 50%
11 750,001--1,000,000 Bard 11 52% 31% 55%
12 1,000,001-1,300,000 Bard, 12th 11+1 56% 36% 60%
13 1,300,001--1,600,000 Bard, 13th 11+2 60% 41% 65%
14 1,600,001--1,900,000 Bard, 14th 11+3 64% 46% 70%
15 1,900,001--2,250,000 Bard, 15th 11+4 68% 51% 74%
16 2,250,001--2,600,000 Bard, 16th 11+5 72% 57% 77%
17 2,600,001--2,950,000 Bard, 17th 11+6 76% 63% 79%
18 2,950,001--3,300,000 Bard, 18th 11+7 80% 69% 80%
19 3,300,001--3,700,000 Bard, 19th 11+8 84% 75% 81%
20 3,700,001--4,150,000 Bard, 20th 11+9 87% 81% 82%
21 4,150,001--4,650,000 Bard, 21st 11+10 90% 87% 83%
22 4,650,001--5,400,000 Bard, 22nd 11+11 93% 93% 84%
23 5,400,001 or more Master 11+12 98% 99% 86%

Race: A bard may be human, elven, or half-elven and have an
unlimited chance for advancement. A halfling or dwarf may be a
bard and attain up to 5th level.

Alignment: The alignment of a bard may be either lawful
good, lawful neutral, (pure) neutral, neutral good, or (rarely)
chaotic neutral or chaotic good. Bards tend to be lawful, since
they depend on custom and culture to make their living. Bards
may expect to be allowed admittance to the homes of most
nobles and other wealthy patrons to play for their dinner, and if
they are superb they may also receive other payment, perhaps a
gold chain or a bag of coins thrown to the bard by the patron for
his excellence. Bards are not evil, for this evil intent would
pervade their songs and ruin the beauty inherent in them. Evil
people are generally portrayed as being against beauty in any

Arms and armor of bards
The only armor a bard may wear is leather armor, and only a
wooden shield is permitted. A shield may not be actively used
when a bard attempts charming, since a string instrument must
be played which requires the use of both hands. The weapons
usable by a bard are: hand or throwing axe, club, dagger, darts,
hammer, javelin, horseman’s mace, scimitar, sling, broadsword, longsword, and short sword. A bard may use flaming oil,
but not poison.

Bards use the same “to hit” table as fighters; however, they
never strike more than once per round as fighters do when they
attain high levels. Likewise, they do not gain multiple attacks
against opponents of less than one hit die.

When a bard character starts his career, he is proficient with
only one weapon, and suffers a -4 penalty whenever using any
weapon with which he is not proficient. A bard may become
proficient with one additional weapon for every four levels that
have been attained; i.e., a 5th-level bard can be proficient with
two weapons. Note that in no case may a bard use a weapon in
each hand, such as a sword in one hand and a dagger in the

Magical items usable by bards
A bard may employ magical weapons of the types normally
usable by a bard (see above). Magical leather armor and a
magical wooden shield may also be used by a bard. They may
use potions, scrolls, rings, rods, wands, and miscellaneous
magic items which are usable by all classes, Any books. librams, manuals, or tomes that are read by a bard cause the
same effect as if the bard were a druid. Bards may also use a
Rod of Beguiling and all types of the Horn of Valhalla. Of
course, they may also use any appropriate Instruments of the

    The bard may employ some magic items with better than
usual effect. These are:

    Drums of Panic -- saving throw is made at -1 on the die.
    Horns of Blasting -- 50% greater damage
    Lyre of Building — double effects.
    Pipes of the Sewers—double number of rats in half the usual
time; also, a bard may substitute the pipes for a stringed instrument when     attempting to charm children, utilizing it as
such rather than for summoning rats.
    Horn of the Tritons — Calm water in a two-mile radius, double the number of summoned creatures, double duration of
fleeing by creatures.
    Horn of Valhalla — double amount of summoned fighters.

Saving throws
A bard makes his saving throws as a cleric of equal level,
except for saving throws vs. paralyzation, poison, and death
magic, which the bard makes as an equal-level magic-user.

Spell use and languages
Due to their training under the tutelage of druids, bards can
cast most druid spells. Some spells are unusable by bards of
any level, however; these will be enumerated below. The effectiveness of a druid spell cast by a bard is the same as that of a

Spells usable by level
- Illus. spells - - - Druid 
- - - - - -
Bard level 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 - - - - - - - - - - -
2 - - - - 1 - - - - - -
3 - - - - 2 - - - - - -
4 1 - - - 3 - - - - - -
5 2 - - - 3 1 - - - - -
6 2 1 - - 3 1 - - - - -
7 3 1 - - 3 2 - - - - -
8 3 1 - - 3 2 1 - - - -
9 3 2 - - 3 3 1 - - - -
10 3 2 - - 3 3 2 - - - -
11 3 2 1 - 3 3 2 - - - -
12 3 3 1 - 3 3 2 1 - - -
13 3 3 2 - 3 3 3 1 - - -
14 3 3 2 1 3 3 3 2 - - -
15 3 3 2 1 3 3 3 2 1 - -
16 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 2 1 - -
17 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 - -
18 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 - -
19 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 - -
20 4 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 -
21 4 4 3 2 4 3 3 3 2 1 -
22 4 4 3 2 4 4 3 3 2 2 -
23 5 4 3 2 4 4 3 3 2 2 1

druid one level lower than the bard; i.e., a 3rd-level bard would
cast a spell with the same effectiveness as a 2nd-level druid.
However, effectiveness greater than that of a 12th-level druid
cannot be attained until the bard becomes a Master Bard, in
which case spells are cast with 13th-level effectiveness.
Bards also have some illusionist spell powers, derived from
their ability to enter strong impressions upon people’s minds.
Just as with the druid spells, there are some illusionist spells
that are off limits to bards, and they are listed below. A bard’s
effectiveness in casting illusionist spells is 3 three levels less
than they have attained as a bard; a 5th-level bard casts an
illusionist spell as if he were a 2nd-level illusionist. A bard
determines which illusionist spells are known by him, just as an
illusionist does.

Spells not usable by bards

Illusionist spells
1st level: darkness, hypnotism
2nd level:  blindness, hypnotic pattern, misdirection
3rd level: continual darkness, rope trick
4th level: minor creation, shadow monsters

Druid spells
2nd level:  barkskin, fire trap
3rd level: stone shape
4th level: control temperature 10' radius, produce fire, plant door (May pass through undergrowth or thickets with this spell, but may not enter trees.)
5th level: insect plague, pass plant, sticks to snakes
6th level: conjure fire elemental, transport via plants, wall of thorns
7th level:  conjure earth elemental, chariot of Sustarre, creeping doom, finger of death, fire storm

Since bards are a scholarly sort, often perusing old works or
learning songs of foreign languages, they have the ability to
read languages and also have knowledge about many magical
or legendary people, places and things.

The bard’s “Read Languages” percentage determines not
only whether or not the bard can comprehend a particular
work, but how much of what is there may be understood. For
instance, if a bard has a 25% chance to read languages and is
successful in the roll to determine whether the item can be read,
he can still read only 25% of the information there, so his
knowledge of the work in question will still be rather sketchy.
Unlike thieves, bards may read languages that are now extinct.
Bards are different in the way in which they may learn languages. A bard does not need to be taught by a person who
knows the language, but must study the language for an
amount of time equal to 1 month, minus one day for each point
of intelligence above 12 and minus one additional day for each

language already known. However, this does not allow a bard to
learn more languages than his intelligence would indicate. A
bard may also, if he wishes, learn languages in the same way
other classes do.

The bard’s lore

The bard’s ability to determine the nature of magical or legendary people, places, or things is expressed as the bard’s
“Lore Percentage.” Usually this knowledge will be dispensed to
others as a riddle, poem, song, or in some other cryptic form.
This ability is not a substitute for a detect magic spell. A typical
+1 sword is generally not able to be identified as such by a bard,
but the sword of a legendary hero could be identified, and the
alignment (at least) of an intelligent sword could be discovered.
Any magic item bearing magical inscriptions can be detected
as magical and its properties determined by use of the bard’s
Lore Percentage. Any item to be identified must be closely
scrutinized, and if it is possibly usable by the bard it must be
actually handled by him. Artifacts and relics can be identified as
such by the bard, but their powers won’t be known, or will only
be hinted at. Bards may also have knowledge about a legendary
place, if the name is known or if the site has been visited.
Note that the dice should not always be allowed to dictate the
course of events on a Lore Percentage roll. If there is some
knowledge that the DM does not want characters to find out, he
may disregard the result of a Lore Percentage roll and state that
the bard knows nothing about the item or subject at hand. This
should only be done for the sake of the adventure or the campaign as a whole, and the tactic should not be used so often that
the bard’s ability becomes worthless.

Charms and suggestions

Another ability of bards is that of charming creatures of at
least animal-level intelligence by use of their singing and playing. Creatures that are immune to charms are not affected, nor
are deafened creatures. All non-associated creatures within 4”
of the bard are subject to the bard’s charm. Previously associated creatures who are now hostile to the bard may be

To check the success of a charm attempt, percentile dice are
rolled. If the number rolled exceeds the bard’s “Charm Percentage,” none of the creatures within range are particularly impressed with the bard’s song and must merely delay their actions for 1 segment. If the number rolled is equal to or less than
the bard’s Charm Percentage, all non-associated creatures
must make a saving throw vs. spells. If the creature makes its
saving throw, it will listen to the bard for one melee round,
doing nothing else, as long as the bard continues to play.
A bard can, if he wishes, while a creature is in this charmed
state, try to implant a suggestion (as the spell), in which case
the charmed creature must again save vs. spells—this time at
-2 on the die — and if it fails, it will suffer the full effects of the
suggestion. If the second saving throw succeeds, the creature

is totally free of the bard’s charm. To plant a suggestion, the
bard must be able to speak in a language that can be comprehended by the intended victim. It is not necessary to speak the
creature’s language to simply charm, however.
A bard may attempt to charm as often as he wishes, but any
individual creature or character may be affected only once per
day. Loud noise which would drown out the bard’s singing, or a
physical attack upon the bard, will immediately negate charms,
but not suggestions, which may be in effect.

Charming by a bard is exclusive of all other activities other
than walking. If the bard begins to walk while charming, the
charmed creatures will attempt to follow until or unless they are
forced to be farther than 4” away, at which time the charm will
be broken. A bard must use both hands to play his instrument
while charming.

Other effects of a bard’s songs

A bard’s singing and/or playing also has other effects. By
merely singing a poem or song, a bard increases the morale of
associated creatures by 10%; gives =1 to those creatures on
saving throws vs. fear, submission, or other attacks which act
to dishearten the individual; and inspires ferocity in attack, so
that “to hit” rolls are made at +1. Both of these characteristics
require 1 round of poetics to produce the desired effect; during
the second round after the bard begins to sing or play, the
ferocity and/or morale bonuses will be in effect. These effects
last for one full turn, as long as the bard continues to sing
throughout this time. The bard can melee while he sings and
still produce these effects, but cannot charm or cast spells and
invoke the ferocity/morale bonuses at the same time.
A bard’s singing and playing negates the song effects of
harpies and prevents similar attacks which rely upon song. A
bard’s song gives +1 to the saving rolls of associated creatures
and the bard himself against attacks which are based on sound,
such as the keen of a groaning spirit, or the roar of an androsphinx or a dragonne. The bard’s playing also stills the noise of

When two opposing bards are in a conflict of songs, the
charm percentage of the lower-level bard is subtracted from the
charm percentage of the higher-level bard, thus giving a new
charm percentage for the more adept bard in this instance.
When two bards of equal level oppose each other, their songs
have no charming effect since they cancel each other out,
though the duet may sound exquisite!

A bard is useful to his party when traveling in the wilderness
because a bard’s songs are soothing for a road-weary traveller,
thus allowing an additional 20% of normal movement per day if
on foot; if all party members are mounted, a gain of an additional 10% per day is obtained.

Miscellaneous information

When a bard gains the title of Bard (11th level), he also gains
the power to change form, as a druid is able to do.

An instrument is needed for all bard abilities associated with
song, except for inspiring ferocity or raising morale. In no way
is any loyalty or reaction adjustment for high charisma any
benefit to a bard’s functions.

A Bard cannot employ henchmen nor hirelings until he gains
the title of Bard (11th level), and then he may employ only
druids or fighters of the human, half-elven, elven, or halfling

A bard will work with no other bards while adventuring, although they may practice their music or poetry with each other.
Like monks and rangers, bards will retain very little of the
money they gain. They will attempt to buy serviceable clothes
for traveling, and will buy fine clothes and the most exquisite
instrument they can acquire for use when they perform, but will
keep only enough money to maintain themselves in a modest

manner. Any other money will be donated to a worthy cause or
give away at whim — although not to player characters! Occasionally, when a bard amasses an amount of wealth that is a
burden to his creativity, he might use it to have an extravagant
festival or party instead of giving it away.
One interesting sidelight of the bard class is that if a player
with a bard character has the ability or inclination to write or
recite short poems or songs for particular situations, he should
be encouraged to do so. For example, if a bard was to charm a
creature and then plant a suggestion of sleep on the creature, a
lullaby could be appropriately sung by the player. It could add
additional flavor and enjoyment to the game.

    DM: Well guys, how do you like it now?
    Alphonse: Taaasssty, taaasssty!


1 I Lady Elorelei (bard 4; 92.234)