Created by Ed Greenwood

FREQUENCY:  Very rare
ARMOR CLASS: 2 in wereform (10 in
human form)
MOVE:  9?/24? (MC: B) (12?).
HIT DICE:  7-9
% IN LAIR:   See below
NO. OF ATTACKS:  2 claws and 1 bite (1
weapon in human form)
DAMAGE/ATTACK:  1-6/1-6/4-24 (by weap-
on type in human form)
SPECIAL ATTACKS:  Minor breath weapon,
minor spell use, high intelligence
SPECIAL DEFENSES:  Never surprised,
spell immunities, silver or magical weap-
ons needed to hit, acute senses, saving-
throw bonuses
INTELLIGENCE:  Very to genius
ALIGNMENT:  Chaotic neutral
SIZE: L (12-36? long) or man-size in human
Speaking:  100%
Magic Use: 100% (see below)
Sleeping:  Nil
LEVEL/XP VALUE:  7-8 HD: VII/1, 775 + 10
per hit point; 9 HD: IX/3,000 + 12 per
hit point 

Weredragons are exceedingly rare crea-
tures. They are the source of many folk
tales concerning beautiful women trans-
formed into dragons; this is due the were-
dragon?s ability to assume the form of a
comely human female whenever desired.
Weredragons usually live among humans,
revealing their dragon forms only in times
of personal peril or great crisis. 

Weredragons are fertile in both human
and dragon forms; they are always female
and always produce other weredragons,
whether the father was a human or
another dragon of any sort. The name
?weredragon? is not entirely accurate, as
this creature does not seem to have lycan-
thropy in the same way other were-
creatures do. Weredragons cannot be
?cured? of their abilities, nor are they able
to transmit them to other creatures by
biting or any other means. Furthermore,
the phases of the moon have no effect on
the ability of weredragons to change form.
They are, however, immune to attacks by 
normal weapons.

In human-form, a weredragon appears
as a human female of about 20 years of
age (regardless of the dragon?s age), of any
racial type, with a comeliness of at least
18. In addition to the usual abilities of
dragons, a weredragon has 90? infravision,
can  detect hidden or invisible objects
within 30?, can use tongues (as in the
third-level magic-user spell) at will, and
can cast  light and darkness 15? radius  once 
each every six turns. Weredragons retain
full knowledge and awareness in either
form, and most are consummate actors, so
that humans are usually unaware of the
weredragon?s true nature. A weredragon?s
strength in human form is the equivalent
of 18/00.

Weredragons are immune to all mind-
affecting spells, as if they possessed wis-
dom scores of 25 (see page 7, Legends & <DEITIES && DEMIGODS>
Lore).  Otherwise, they have standard 
magic resistance. Weredragons never truly
sleep and cannot be surprised. They also
eat prodigiously (without appearing to
gain weight) whenever an opportunity like
a banquet presents itself. Transformation
from one form to another is completely
within the control of the weredragon, is
silent, takes an entire round, does not
affect the weredragon?s hit points, and
utterly destroys any armor or clothing
worn if used in human form. Weredragons
can thus change shape or remain in one
form for as long as desired. 

In dragon form, weredragons are slim
and splendid, usually an iridescent blue
and silver in color, and most closely resem
ble wingless copper dragons in physical
shape and size (a magical organ in their
brains allows flight). A weredragon?s jaws
do 4-24 hp damage, and it eats anything
organic, including carrion. If attacked 
from behind, the weredragon?s rear claws
do the same damage as the front claws; if
it pounces from above, a weredragon can
attack prey with all four claws and its bite
in a single round. In dragon form, a were-
dragon is able to breathe a cloud of blue
vapors three times per day, in a cone 70?
long and 25? in base diameter. Within their
confines, these vapors will (for 2-4
rounds): cause silence; snuff out (and
prevent the creation of) natural or magical
fire, heat, or electrical discharges or
attacks; and dispel any illusions. The cone
of vapors remains stationary despite natu-
ral or magical gusts of wind, and vanishes
at the end of the 2-4 round period after
having reacted with the surrounding air.

Weredragons do not consort with others
of their own kind (whom they can recog-
nize on sight in either form, just as they
can recognize any  polymorphed  or  shape 
changed dragon in any form). They prefer
dwelling in cities or courts to wilderness
solitude. These creatures are not as vain
as other dragons and cannot be subdued
as a dragon can, although they often sub-
mit to capture or temporary dominance if
they deem it wisest. In human form, were-
dragons often amass great treasure by
beguiling rich suitors; later, these suitors
are slain by the weredragon, which has
returned to its dragon form. Weredragons
are usually the equal of any sage when
dealing with the history of the lands they
have inhabited. Much of the history and
aims of these creatures, however, remains
a mystery. They are known from legend in
the FORGOTTEN REALMS? fantasy set-
ting, and one is said to have lived in the
great city of Waterdeep as recently as 20
years past, having lived for years as the
consort of a military officer.
Dragon magazine Monster Manual III - Dragon's Bestiary Dragon #134