Armor of Acidic Secretion
by Gregory Detwiler
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Magic Items - Dragon Dragon #99
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This cursed armor appears to be normal magical armor, but it
gives no benefit to the wearer in combat (though this will not be
known to the wearer). This armor is found either as a suit of banded
mail (25%), splint mail (25%), or plate mail (50%).

From the moment that the wearer first suffers damage while using
this suit, the armor and any padding used with it will secrete a corrosive
acid for 1-20 rounds, doing 1-4 hp damage to the wearer each
round (no saving throw). It takes a full turn (10 rounds) to remove
this suit of armor, and it will continue doing acidic damage during
that entire time (if the secretion duration is still in effect).

Due to the nature of the acid, the burns, blisters, etc., left by such
wounds cannot be removed except by a wish, alter reality or tempus
fugit spell, although normal rest and healing will recover lost hit
points. The damage can only be stopped otherwise if the armor is
destroyed by a magical attack (e.g., by a blue dragon's breath or by
a rust monster).

Experience Point Value: 0
Gold Piece Sale Value: 2,000