by Lenard Lakofka
Dragon - Magic Items - Dragon 28
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This device appears like either type of chime but if placed near a
closure of any sort and commanded to guard it will ring if the closure is
opened or tampered with. The Chime can be made invisible also upon
command so that it may not be observed as guarding a closure. Its ring is
very clear and loud but it is also very melodic and beautiful so as to
transfix an intelligent creature with the sound. Unless a saving throw
versus magic is made the charmed figure will continue to open and close
the item so that he/she can hear the beautiful sound again. Restraining
the individual or stopping the chime will invoke maniacal hatred in the
charmed figure who will fight with a berserk rage so that he may hear the
sound again. Remove curse will negate this charm as will dispell magic.