Wand of Ochalor's Eye
By Ed Greenwood

This wand is topped with a fiery orange gem, known as Ochalor’s
Eye, or The Eye of Fear. It pulses with light, and when glowing acts as
an extra-strong Fear spell; all creatures within its 6” range
(coneshaped area of effect as in Fear spell) drop anything in their hands
and quake in fear, rooted to the spot. they stare at the Eye gem in a
trance, oblivious to all else. Creatures of under 6 hit dice get no
saving throw; creatures of 6 hit dice and over get a saving throw as
follows: 6 hit dice save at -3, 7 hit dice save at -2, 8 hit dice save at
-1, 9 hit dice (and up) save normally.

Creatures which are afraid are frozen to the spot unless the gem is
hidden from their view or they are physically struck, whereupon they
break free of their trance and flee blindly, screaming in terror, for 5
rounds (or longer, if they are not out of sight of the wand by that

It is said that those who look into the lighted gem see the manner
of their deaths, endlessly replayed. Others speak of some cold and
malignant intelligence which seems to know all their faults and
fears—and laughs contemptuously at them. Few afterwards remember what of this is true,
but their fear and hatred of Ochalor’s Eye 

remain. Any creature who has suffered the effects of the wand is 50%

likely to attempt to destroy any wand of this type they subsequently
encounter, regardless of whether it is held by friend or foe.
Each wink of the gem expends 1 charge. Upon draining all
charges, the gem shatters. The wand cannot be recharged.
X.P. value: 3,500; G.P. value: 15,000.

Magic Items - Dragon 40 - Dragon