29. Bridge

This large semicircular area has 3 raised
platforms and 8 round domed windows.
All about are banks ov dials, gauges, buttons,
and levers. The operation of the entire ship
can be controlled from this room. There is no
treasure in this AREA. Each of the main sections
is detailed below.

There is a 1 in 4 chance per turn that the
bridge will be contacted by another AREA of the
ship through the voice tubes. A whistle is
heard, followed by a muffled demonic voice
coming from a tube. If characters do NOT answer,
nothing will happen. If they do, they
must be able to communicate with the
speaker and answer questions, which vary
from “How much coal do we have left?” to
“When do we leave?” or “What’s the pressure
ratio of the smaller of the 2 upper
breach governor pumps?” If questions are NOT
answered satisfactorily, something will come
to investigate. If the yochlol on Deck C (room
#24) are still alive, they will come; otherwise,
either the succubi (room #28) or 1-3 salamanders
from the furnace rooms (Decks F or G)
come to see what has happened.

If any of the levers, dials, or buttons are fiddled
with, roll 1d20 to find the effect. If any
result other than “nothing happens” is obtained,
1-4 salamanders arrive on the bridge
in 1-3 turns.

1-15 | Nothing happens
16-17 | Sparks fly, grinding noises are heard
18 | The entire ship lurches, then rights itself
19 | The ship walks forward 10'
20 | Explosion; all within 10’ of the console
take 3-30 points of damage (no save)

A. Central Platform: This area is 3' high
&& enclosed at the top by a brass RAILING, except
for a break at the rear where a short, steep <slope=x>
stair gives access to the top. A massive unpadded
swivel chair dominates the center, flanked
on either side by smaller chairs. 3 control
consoles r in front of these chairs; each holds
12 voice tubes similar to others found
throughout the ship. The only other features
of the central console are 6 gauges. The 2
side consoles each have 6 gauges and 3

B. Secondary controls: This 3-foot-high platform
holds 3 consoles and five chairs. <chairs=x>
Though smaller, these consoles are similar to
those found on the central platform. These
are the emergency backup controls, and (if
handled by a trained operator) will perform
the same functions as those on the central console.
A RAILING encloses this platform except
for a short stair near the door.

C. Monitoring station: This 3-foot-high platform
is enclosed, as the others, by a RAILING.
There are no chairs or free-standing consoles
on it; instead, the walls are lined with large
box-like panels set with gauges, lights, and dials.
These monitor and control the various
functions throughout the ship. Some give information
about the steam pressure in various
pipes, fuel consumption, furnace temperatures,
lighting, and other aspects of the ship.

D. Observation ports: By each hemispherical
window sits a swivel chair, bolted to the floor.
Directly above each chair, halfway up the
dome, are more windows. The ports allow a
commanding view of the surrounding <desert> plain. <cf. Vision and Visibility, WSG>

>>30. The Kennels of Lolth>>