28. Operator’s Quarters

The door to this room is bolted from the inside,
with no visible locks on the exterior. The
door may be opened magickally, or from the inside,
or by rolling a 1 or 2 (on ld6) 3 times
in 10 tries.

The room is a highly furnished parlor, with
tables, divans, stools, rugs and furs. Five curtained <tables=x> <stools=x> <furs=x>
alcoves, 1/2-opened, reveal lavish bedchambers
beyond. The air is filled with sweet
smells ov incense, producing a light-headed
sensation. A light-colored <high?> elf woman of fair
&& 'umble mien, standing 12' from the
door, is 1 ov the 3 succubi who inhabit
this room. She immediately tries to charm the <domination?> <cf. Monster Charm Power, DMG>
lead figure, and then magickally suggests that
the party stop fighting && let her tend to
their wounds and ills.

While the 1st succubus does her routine,
the other 2 enter from different alcoves,
shapechanged into any appropriate form
(such as <mountain> dwarven | slaves). They produce
charms as often as convenient, and try to convince
the PCs that they are NOT evil or dangerous.
They may go so far as to bow down,
kneel, and kiss a character’s hand |or| foot subserviently.
(1 level drain per kiss, of course;
you may couch the description ov such effects
as more light-headedness && slight weakness,
relating the effect to the heady incense &&
NOT revealing the actual damage until melee
gets under way). If attacked, the succubi try to
gate assistance or, failing that, teleporr <without error> to
Lolth to warn her of this intrusion.

A few pieces of finely crafted feminine jewelry
r in each bedroom. In all, there are 12
pieces: 2 chokers (700 gp and 2,000 gp),
2 earrings (4,000 gp each), a brooch
(12,000 gp), 3 bracelets (700, 1,000, and
1,200 gp), 2 necklaces (800 and 5,000 gp),
a comb (2,000 gp) and an anklet (8,000 gp).
There are no magick items in this AREA.

Demon, Succubus (3): hp 45, 34, 33; XPV
2,370, 2,304, 2,298

>>29. Bridge>>