The wooden sign depicts a bag of wool
and a loom. Herein dwells the elderly
weaver and his wife, their daughter, and her
husband. 4 young apprentices are also
here, as business is very good. There are
bolts of woolen and flaxen cloth here, but
nothing else of possible interest.

These folk are Lawful Neutral followers
of St. Cuthbert (see area 20). They moved to
the area only 2 years ago. The weaver has
a cache of 7 small gold ingots (24 gp each)
and a gold pin (200 gp) with an amethyst
(100 gp) behind a loose stone in the fireplace.

<Leason: prankster>
Son-in-law: AC 8 (padded armor & <large> shield);
Level 0; hp 3; #AT 1; D 1-4 (dagger) or
1-6 (spear); XP 13

<Marsh: pessimist>
<Niebling: curious>
<Pickens: mischievious>
<Rihn: hedonist>
Apprentices (4): AC 10; Level 0; hp 2 each;
#AT 1; D 1-2 (awl); XP 12 each
