Platinum Dragon (Bahamut)

Lesser God

FREQUENCY : Very rare <(Unique)>
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level X])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Astral Plane])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Ethereal Plane])

MOVE : 9"/30"
HIT DICE : 21 (168 HP)
% IN LAIR : 75%
TREASURE TYPE : 100% [H], [I], [R], [S], [T], [V] <+ Spellbooks>
NO. OF ATTACKS : 3 ~ 7
DAMAGE/ATTACK : 2-12/2-12/6-48
SPECIAL ATTACKS : Breath weapons + magic use
INTELLIGENCE : Supra genius
ALIGNMENT : Lawful good
SIZE : L (72' long)

    Speaking : 100%
    Magic-Use : 100%
    Sleeping : 5%

LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: X | 58,080 (for destroying material form) | 580,800 (if killed permanently)

The King of Good Dragons, Bahamut the platinum dragon, dwells in a great fortified palace behind the east wind.
(No one knows for certain if this place  is on the elemental plane of air or some plane betwixt it and the Seven Heavens or Tri-Paradises, save Bahamut and his court.)
About one-quarter of the time he roams the earth in the guise of human or nearly any other form he chooses, for Bahamut is able to shape change freely.
He can travel astrally or ethereally.

In attacking, the platinum dragon can opt to fight with a pair of clawing attacks and a bite, or he can breathe any one of three forms of breath weapon --
    * cold in a cone 8" long with a base diameter of 3",
    * a cloud of vapor which causes persons therein to save versus dragon breath or lose their substance and assume gaseous form for 12 full turns,
    * or a sonic vibration which will disintegrate up to 150 hit points.
He is capable of using each breath weapon twice per day.
All saving throws against his breath are at a -3 due to the powerful nature of their originator.

Bahamut is able to employ any spells of 1st through 7th level; two each of magical and 1 each of clerical spells per day, or a maximum of 21 spells.
He possesses books listing all known magic spells of these levels. <details: enc. & gp value of the books>
<cantrip: 36, 1st-3rd: 24, 4th-6th: 16, 7th-9th: 8>
<64, 40, 36, 32, 30, 24, 20, 16>
<Book 1: All Useful cantrips, all Reversed cantrips, change, distract, hide, mute>

w7 w7 c7
w6 w6 c6
w5 w5 c5
w4 w4 c4
w3 w3 c3
w2 w2 c2
w1 w1 c1
w0 (psb, up to 4) w0 (psb, up to 4) -
the exact spells should be in a DL source>

There are seven huge ancient gold dragons of highest abilities and loyalty who serve as guards, companions, and advisors to Bahamut.
He seldom (10%) is without them.
(A sage tells of encountering Bahamut in the guise of an old hermit, with seven canaries singing sweretly as they flitted nearby.
The sage relates that he would never have known that he was anything other than what he appeared to be except that a group of ogres and trolls happened  by much to their sorrow ...)

Bahamut should be treated as a lesser god, though he very rarely has human worshipers.

Bahamut: The platinum dragon is reputed to have a citadel on
the elemental plane of Air, as do several other deities of various
other pantheons. While travellers have often spoken of seeing a
huge domed-and-spired castle made of pure glass and gypsum,
such sightings are extremely rare and no one has entered the citadel
and returned to tell of his adventures. Lejend states that
Bahamut sits upon a throne of yellow diamonds with his court of
nine gold dragons and emissaries from all good dragonkind,
including the oriental dragons. Monadic devas, the great powers
of good of the upper planes, are said to be in the plane of Air by
Bahamut's will alone, yet this is again unproven.

    The traveller seeking Bahamut's lair on the plane of Air will be
frustrated, as the native guides (even the powerful archomentals)
deny its existence. Bahamut's lair is also said to exist in the northernmost
part of the known world of the PMP and
in the outer plane known as Heaven. Whether the
king of all good dragons maintains several such citadels, or
encourages rumors to this effect, is unknown. What is known is
that Bahamut is a Greater God and has all those abilities
accorded one on his home plane.

- Manual of the Planes

Fizban the Fabulous

<bigger image, to do the original justice!>

Personalities of the Age of Dragons

    Fizban appears as a gray-bearded old wizard
in {mouse}-colored robes with a beat-up, pointed <mice are green??>
wizard's hat that is off his head more than
it is on it. He carries a plain wooden staff that
appears to do nothing whatsoever, plus a
shabby spell book in which he can never find
the spell he is searching for (generally to everyone's
relief!). Pouches hang from his belt, but
these are just as likely to contain his dirty socks
as spell components.


    Descriptions of Paladine and his stats
can be found in the section on Krynn's gods.

    The beloved, befuddled old wizard is a
wonderful character who can have players
gasping with laughter even while they're
ready to wring his neck. Since he is a god (Paladine),
Fizban is interested in people learning
about themselves and developing their true
potential. When Fizban tries to help characters
out of a fix, it often seems as if he is simply
making the situation worse instead of better.
Fizban always allows others freedom of choice
and does not interfere with their decisions.
Fizban's  purpose is to restore the balance of <?>
good and evil to the world, not to make one
triumph over the other. DMs should keep this
in mind when playing this character.


Q: Is Paladine Bahamut? Is Takhisis
A: Yes and no. Paladine and Takhisis are the
avatars or incarnations of Bahamut and
Tiamat in the Krynn universe. They each
have special powers within this setting.
Slaying Bahamut or Tiamat in another
universe will not affect Paladine or Takhisis,
and vice versa.

Of course Bahamut was based off of the Biblical name Behemoth, but Tiamut's five-heads were inspired only by the five colors of Evil dragon.
not the beast with seven heads and 10 horns that the Scarlet Whore of Babylon rode on before she was devoured by it from the Book of Revelation.