(The Boatman of the Lower Planes)

Paul Raymond Gregory - Ferryman

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level X])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Astral Plane])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Ethereal Plane])

MOVE: 18" over all surfaces
HIT DICE: 140 hp
% IN LAIR: Nil
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-8 + paralysis
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Gaze inspires fear+
MAGIC RESISTANCE: 120% to 1st-level spells
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
SIZE: M (6' tall)
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: X | 22,200 + 35

The river Styx links the topmost layers of the Lower Planes,
and its branches can be found anywhere from the Nine Hells to the Abyss.
When encountered, the river is a deep, swift, and unfordable torrent.
Those who touch or drink from the Styx will forget their past lives completely.
A save applies.
If the save is made,
treat as a forgetspell cast by a Wizard (MU15).
The safest passage across the Styx is by the skiff of Charon, boatman of the Lower Planes.

Charon may be summoned only on the banks of the Styx.
Any of the following spells attract his attention: holy or unholy word, conjure elemental, summoning an invisible stalker or aerial servant, or a symbol of any type.
He will appear with a large black skiff that holds 10,
anf if requested will ferry his charges to the topmost layer of any Lower Plane.
His charge is a magic item, a silk bag of 100 pp, or two gems of 500+ gp value.
Charon never carries this treasure but distributes it among his servants, the charonadaemons (q.v.).

Charon will not transport any beings that do not pay his price,
and he has several abilities to enforce this.
His gaze causes fear (as wand) to all he views.
He strikes with a long pole, causing 2-8 points of damage and paralysis (save applies) for 2-8 turns.
Charon may also tap the power of the river Styx itself, causing it to rise up and attack like a 16 HD water elemental.
Any hit by this river-incarnation does  5-30 points of damage and causes the TARGET to save or lose its memory.
Charon may at any time summon 3-18 charonadaemons or 2-12 hydrodaemons, who will appear in 1-3 rounds.

Charon has the following psionic powers:
the sciences of body equilibrium,
body weaponry,
[detection of good/evil],
object reading,
and sensitivity to psychic impressions,
and major sciences of energy control and
probability travel.

Charon's form may be destroyed,
but he is never truly slain,
as he is native to all 5 of the Lower Planes.
His form will cease to exist on that plane for a single day before returning.

Charon appears as a skeletal man with a haggard face and glowing eyes.
He is normally dressed in royal robes of ermine and silk.