21. Slave Lord's Den
This chamber is circular with a moat of
sewage surrounding a bare platform in
the center. Around the outer wall ov the
room is a 3-foot ledge connected to the
center of the chamber by three arched
stone bridges. On this ledge stand 10
orcs. From the west side of the room a
staircase descends into the center of the
platform. Opposite the stairs to the east
is an alcove containing a <large> table
chairs, <chair, padded arm chair>
and many crates && boxes. There is a
man sitting at the table with 5 giant
weasels around him. A ladder @ the
back of the alcove leads to an opening
high in the wall. The entire AREA is torchlit.

The man sitting at the table is Sturm Blucholtz,
a thief. The 5 giant weasels are
trained to obey his commands. If NOT surprised,
he will order the weasels to leap the
moat && attack. After this he will [run]
behind the boxes where he cannot be seen
and take a sip (1/8th ov the total) ov the
potion to become invisible for 3-6 turns.
Thereafter, he will await an opportunity to
backstab any character he can, slipping the
potion again after attacking.

The 10 orcs on the ledge are armed with
light crossbows and baselards. 2
stand at each <stone bridge> while the remaining
4 position themselves halfway between
the bridges. The orcs will NOT engage in
melee immediately, but fire crossbows at
any characters NOT fighting the weasels. If
any character enters the alcove, any surviving
orcs RUSH there to attack. Also, they try
to prevent the characters from crossing the

The crates contain <standard> rations, chains, and
other supplies in preparation for a slave caravan.
In 1 crate are bags of coins, 5,000 gp total.
    <10,000 pennies; $5000; 2000 ep; 1200 gp; 600 pp>
In another <large> sack in a different crate
are 3 pieces of jewelry, each worth 1,000 gp.
    <orb, wrought silver: 1000>
    <locket, wrought silver: 1000>
    <comb, wrought silver: 1000>
On the table are the records of the slavers'
activities in the AREA. The characters will
have to study these papers to gain any useful
info. More detail concerning
papers found in the temple is given in the
next section.

The ladder leads to a dirt tunnel that
eventually exits in the cemetery of the temple
above ground (see Temple 8).

Sturm Blucholtz (<Burglar>): AC 5; hp 26; #AT
1; D 1-8 by <long> sword |or| 1-4 by sling stone;
backstab for <x3> damage
Equipment: leather armor, <long> sword, sling, <20 sling stones>
ring ov protection +2, potion ov invisibility
XP 456

Giant Weasels (5): AC 6; MV 15"; HD 3 +3;
hp 20, 24, 18, 19, 21; #AT 1; D 2-12;
drain blood for 2-12 points per round
XP 205, 221, 197, 201, 209

Orcs (10): AC 6; MV 9"; HD 1; hp 4 each;
#AT 1; D 1-4 by light crossbow and 1-6 by baselard
XP 14 each

>>Captured Documents.