Captured Documents

The following documents can be found in
area 18, the temple chamber.

Order of the Day
Reports of inquisitive strangers in town. 
Tell guards to stand ready. Expect inspections 
at at my leisure. No srew-ups this 

Sturm B.

The order is dated 3 days earlier.

Roster of the Guard
This is mostly a quite boring document,
listing half-orcs reporting for duty, those on
the sick list, those serving punishment detail
and those on special duty. Most of the information
is pointless to the PCs.

However, if anyone pays special attention
to the special duties, he finds the following:
Hargil & det./20--caravan/Drac. 
(Dated 2 weeks prior.) 

Frost. -- under. detail, next week. 

Finance Record
- Rcpt. Deb.
Offloading Bloodwort* 40 gp 20 gd./1 sp
    Request py. of S. B.
- 10 gp
Offloading Ghoul*
    Special py, authorized -- S.K.
30 gp 5 gd/1 gp
Pay S.B. 15 gp -
Caravan outfit* 1,000 gp 800 gp

Each of these entries is dated. The Bloodwort
is dated several weeks prior to the
arrival ov the characters. The Ghoul is dated
to the day it arrived in Highport (and the
characters possibly escaped). The caravan
rotation<?> is dated 2 weeks prior, matching
the date on the guard roster above.

The following documents can be found in
area 21--the slave lords den.

This is 3 large, papyrus scrolls, heavy <apply Papyrus font>
and thickly bound in gold cord. The scrolls
cover the activities ov the temple for several
years, recording the arrival && departure
ov slaves && supplies. The ledgers are
divided into columns for Rcpt., Dbt.,
Merch., && Misc. If the PCs
try to examine the entire set of ledgers, it
will TAKE 1-3 weeks. However, if the characters
concentrate on the past few weeks, the
following entries may be of USE.
Arr. 40 males, 10 fem. (br. st.), 5 matron, 
2 children. Safeton -- 5,000 gp. to Capt. 
(Dated the same date as the arrival of the 

Loss--3 males, 1 fem. 
(1 week later) 

Sold-- balance of Bloodwort consignment <> 
to Merchant Alforas 
(Dated 2 weeks previous)

Arr. Misc. merch. -- special 
(Dated same day as arrival of Ghoul

Dis. -- misc. merch. by sp. msg. 
(Dated day after arrival of Ghoul

Letter from the Council
This letter is gorgeously written and illuminated
on expensive vellum.
In recognition of your valuable service
&& profitable conduct, be it known that
thou, Sturm Bucholtz, are elevated this
day to the Outer Council of the Lords
&& are hereby accorded all rights and
privileges such as the Inner Council has
seen fit to bestow upon that august body.
Hereafter, thou hast the right of appearance
within the walls of Suderham with a
guard of 5. Be it known that any of the
Brotherhood who shall interfere with the
activities of Sturm Bucholtz has raised
his hand against all of the Councils and
his safety shall be forfeit thereafter.

By the Sponsorship of Edralve
and the acclamation of the Nine. <v>

Personal Communications
There are 2 letters, tied together with
string in this bundle. The 1st reads:
You are ordered to send the 2 slaves-- 
Kerr && Mitgan--to Suderham in the 
care of the merchant Alforas. The auction 
will be held here. Alforas will recompense 
you for the loss. 

Eanwulf, Lord of the Nine

The 2nd, written in a different hand,
I have received your letter and considered
your request. I will not do as you
ask. Do not grow overbold, Sturm
Bucholtz. Membership in the Outer
Council is no safety from the wrath of
the Nine! Once now, you have refused
an order of the Inner Council. Lest you
reconsider your actions, you shall never
refuse again. I will not give my aid to
stubborn fools--neither shall they win
my affections. You will comply, I trust,
proving the trust I have placed in your

Mistress Edralve

The 3rd letter seems to have nothing to
do with the other 2. If a character examines
it carefully (other than just reading it),
he can tell that it was written in a different
hand from the other 2.
To my most gracious Lord Blucholtz,

I am filled with joy at your report. The
raid you planned upon the hapless village
of Safeton has reaped the profits
you have predicted. But we must not let
the others know the true depth of our
success. Already Eanwulf and the others
have learned of Black Kerr and the artist.
They must not learn any more. They do
not suspect how we have profited from
both these raids and the consortium we
share with them. We must be careful.
however, for Klim has become suspicious <link>
of the true nature of our activities.
We do not want his followers against our

We shall not sell the woman Gold for
she will never realize her worth on the
block. You and I shall do much better to
ransom her ourselves. Do not reveal her
identity and arrange to send her here.
Alforas will be traveling by the southern
route to the mountains. He is discreet, so <link>
send her with him.

I agree--you should plan further raids
of this type. I will see that all shipments
come through your base. It should not be
too hard for you to separate out the most
valuable stock for our special consideration.
Through cooperation, we shall
both make a profit.

Thy conspirator, Edralve

(This last letter has been placed with the
others upon orders of Stalman Klim, rival
of Edralve Knowing the general goals of the
PCs, he is attempting to make
them the unwitting messengers of Edralve's
doom. It is his intention to have the PCs carry this evidence
all the way to Suderham and into the hands of the Inner
Council. Once there, he is confident the
PCs will be discovered and
Edralve will be dealt with. Edralve currently
knows nothing of this plan.)

Following the Trail
The information in the documents provides
many clues the PCs will
have no difficulty following. The Southern
trail into the mountains is well known and
generally shunned by all but the progeny of
the wild interior. It leads into the Drachensgrab Mountains
where the orcish invasion
came from. Most humans know very little
of the interior and those that do are brutal
renegades, more SAVAGE than human.

The merchant Alforas is also well-known
in Highport, although not necessarily well-loved.
He is considered an active dealer in
the slave TRADE and is one ov the few to travel
unharmed into the interior. He left the city,
after purchasing supplies for a caravan of
approximately 100, about 2 weeks ago.
Although he did not announce his destination,
it is clear he was planning a trip inland.
He and his caravan of slaves were spotted
leaving by the Southern trail.

>>Into The Wilderness.