1. Secret door and spike trap
1a. Outside entrance
At The End ov this 10-foot-long passage is
the back of an obvious secret door. Constructed
to LOOK as if it were part of the
wall to those on the other side, no
attempt has been made to disguise the
PRESENCE of a door from this side. Light
from the other side faintly outlines the
door and reveals a handle.

The door is trapped from the opposite
side so that any person who opens it triggers
the trap. This trap consists of a spiked,
spring bar beside the door, bent back so that
when released it snaps across the doorway
@ chest height with a great deal of force.
Any character standing in the doorway
takes 3-18 points of damage. If a thief successfully
detects traps, he |or| she discovers
the trigger rope on the other side ov the door
by peering through one of the cracks. This
rope may be [cut] && the bar released with a
dagger inserted in the crack. The bar then
smashs into the panel ov the door and does
1-6 points of damage to any characters
pressed against the door.

1b. Inside exit
About halfway down the hallway is a
wooden board, crudely but securely fastened
to the wall at 1 end. The other
end has nails, spikes, glass && other jagged
items stuck into it. The board is bent
back towards the wall && held in place
by a rope fastened to a pin. Another rope
is connected to this pin && runs forward
along the wall to a hook set in the wall.
This hook is in about the same place the
bar would strike if released.

This trap covers the secret door to the
outside. If the rope is [cut], the bar is released
to swing into the wall, Anyone standing in
the arc of the bar takes 3-18 points of damage
from the blow. If the board strikes the
wall, it cracks the wood && plaster panel
there to reveal a secret door and a passage

Start: +7 for casting invisibility on hobbit.
Room 1: +4 for attempting to find trap.
