24. Kitchen
This room is a kitchen with several <4> tables
<3 low tables, 1 trestle table>

and a chopping block in the room. On
the south side of the room is a cooking
fireplace && 2 fresh carcasses are
hung on hooks to the left of it. The room
is occupied by a human cook and 2
jebli assistants working over a huge
pot of stew. The cook is incredibly ugly <Comeliness = -7>
and has a horrid snaggle-toothed smirk
on his face.

When the party enters the kitchen, the
cook will berate the characters for showing
up early for their meal. His assistants then
dump some sour stew in bowls and try to
serve the party the stew and moldy bread. If
the party eats, have each roll his CON <Tainted Food, WSG>
or less on 1d2O: if a character fails he <Ability Checks, WSG>
becomes ill for 2 turns. The cook is an old
army veteran <swordsman> and is CN. He is
touchy about criticism, and will throw a
cleaver (treat as a hand axe) at anyone who
protests the quality of the food (-4 to hit). If
seriously threatened, he and his jebli
assistants run away, screaming that the mercenaries
are rioting again, and "may Maglubiyet
fry their livers."

Cook (swordsman): AC 9; MV 12";
hp 18; #AT 1; D 1-6 by cleaver; S 13, I9, W
7, D 15, Con 12, Cha 4, Com -7
THACO 20n2
XP 157

Jebli assistants (2): AC 10; MV 12";
HD 1; hp 4: #AT 1; D 1-6 by cleaver
THACO 20n3
XP 14 each
