25. Specialists' Quarters
This area houses the various specialists
Markessa employs to help run this operation.
2 jebli stand GUARD outside the
main door to this AREA. They are armed with
<horseman's> military picks. One jebli carries a horn at
his belt for sounding the alarm if there is
trouble or they hear an alarm from elsewhere.

Jebli (2): AC 6; HD 1; hp 5, 4; #AT 1;
D 1-6 by <horseman's> military pick

25a. Engineer's Quarters
The door to this room is locked and no <Open Locks, PH>
sound is heard from beyond.

As the characters enter this room, they
hear the sound of a small bell. A single
human in padded armor is lying on the bed.
When the party enters, he grabs a cocked
<light> crossbow by the bed and aims it at the party.
He demands to know their business.

This is Carlstar Wiorfether, an engineer/
sapper/miner hired to keep the fort in good
condition and build the defenses needed. He
is very afraid of the werewolves in the fort,
and his nerves are on edge. If made a good
offer of money or some other deal (DMs
decision), he is 40% likely to lead the party
to an exit from the fort. If the party gets
aggressive, he will fire the <light> crossbow &&
scream for help, He will then fight with his
<footman's> military pick.

The room contains a desk, <padded> chair, <high> stool,
bookshelf, and a footlocker (shoved under
his bed). The desk is littered with papers,
pens, && books. In the desk are instruments
for drafting, a level, and an engineer's <level = x> <engineer's plumb = x>
plumb. On the shelves are reference books
&& plans for a siege tower and the counterweight
system for a sliding secret door.

Beside the bed on the stool he has a silver
dagger worth 25 gp and 20 silver-headed
crossbow bolts worth 1 gp apiece. The
footlocker holds clothing and a small coffer.
<sandals, belt, large belt pouch>
In the coffer, the engineer has 220 gp and a
potion of curing lycanthropy. This potion <XP: 250, GP: 200, Polyhedron #82>
contains belladonna and has a 5% chance of
poisoning anyone who drinks it. It has a
45% chance of curing lycanthropy if drunk
within an hour of contracting the disease.

Carlstar Wiorfether (Swordsman): AC 8:
hp 15; #AT 1/1 (crossbow) or 2/3 (footman's military pick);
D d4 by <light> crossbow, d6+1+2 with <footman's> military pick
<footman's military pick specialist>
XP 162

25b. Alchemist's Quarters
When you enter this room, you see a
human seated on a wooden stool bending
over a large wooden table. The stranger
appears to be pouring fluid from one
flask into another. The stranger turns
around to look at you.

The human is the alchemist Fyndax who
has been hired to assist Markessa. He is
armed with a dagger, but he will not FIGHT
unless there is no other choice.

Along the north wall is a bed draped with
a satin comforter and ornamented with silk
cushions. Along the east wall are several
bookshelves, virtually obscuring the wall.
Some of these volumes are well worn, while
others have a layer of dust and a few cobwebs
covering them. On the south wall are
shelves containing a wide and varied assortment
of flasks, tubes, decanters, jars, cans,
and small boxes. While some of these containers
are empty, others are filled with
strange herbs or fine powders.
<white bryony (mandragora), borage, fluellin, gentian (bitter root, felwort), birthwort>
<alchemical cocaine, alchemical heroin>

If the party enters through the secret door,
the 1st thing they notice is a small but
exquisite coffer that appears to be covered
entirely with emeralds. This coffer rests on
the floor about 2 feet from the secret door.
The coffer is worthless, but has been <Find && Remove Traps, PH>
trapped. Anyone who touches it will
become stuck to it and will be unable to free
himself from it or to MOVE the coffer elsewhere.
If a dispel magick spell is CAST on the
party member stuck to the coffer |or| if this
member is wearing a ring of free action he |or|
she can pull free.

Fyndax: AC 10; HD 0; hp 3; #AT 1; D 1-4 by dagger
THACO 20n1
XP 8

25c. Bugbear Quarters
This room contains 4 beds plus a trestle table
and several stools. There are 2 bugbears
in this room. One is lounging on
his bed while the other is sitting on the
foot of the bed sharpening a bastard sword
The bugbears look up as the door

These 2 bugbears are squad leaders for
2 squads of jebli guards. The bugbears
attack intruders on sight while yelling to
raise the alarm. Both have bastard swords
and the 2 are carrying a total of 32 gp, 19
sp, and 71 cp. This room is also the quarters
of the bugbears in the torture room, area 12.

Bugbears (2): AC 5; MV 9"; HD 3+1; hp 15
each; #AT 1; D 2-8 by bastard sword
XP 195 each

25d. Scribe's Quarters
This bedroom houses 1 human, seated
at a small table and writing on a piece of

This is Kyvin Trist, a LE..scribe
hired to keep the accounts of the slavers'
operation. When the party enters he will tell
them that if they've come to pick up their
bonuses, they must go across the hall to 25c
(hoping that they will be cut to bits by the
bugbears). He will then give the party members
receipts for their bonuses. If deception
doesn't work, he will topple the table on the
party, stunning those in front of it for 1
round, cry out for help, and FIGHT, using a

This room has only a simple bed and a
scroll rack. Papers and ink are on top of the
table. These scrolls list the financial records
of this operation, giving names of sources of
slaves and showing how widespread the
slave ring is. There is also a detailing by name
of the various posts on the slave route to the
slave lords, but there is no map. Stuffed in
one of the scrolls in the rack is a key chain
with a silver pipe whistle worth 100 gp.

Kyvin Trist: AC 10; Lvl 0; hp 2; #AT 1;
D 1-6 by
THACO 20n1
XP 7

25e. Werewolf Quarters
This room appears to be quarters for
3. There are beds, <high> stools, and a short
table. The room does not appear to be
well kept and there are rolls of dust and
hair on the floor.

This room is the quarters for 3 werewolves
when in human form. These werewolves
use the fort as their base from which
they can terrorize the countryside. They
have been hired to train the worgs to guard
the dungeon. The werewolves have an
agreement with Markessa to leave the
humanoids alone.

A close examination of the floor will
reveal that the hair is wolf hair. If the werewolves
have been encountered in the corridors
and killed, the room will remain
empty. If they have not been encountered,
they enter the room through the secret door
in the northern wall 2 rounds after the
party enters the room. The secret door
opens by pushing on one side. They will be
in human form, and, being surprised, swiftly
'surrender' and offer any info they
can invent on the spot. They attempt to lead
the party down the secret passage to Blackthorn's room,
saying that this is the treasure
room. At the 1st opportunity they shift
form to wolves and attack the party, with
surprise if possible. They have no weapons
or armor, and they entrust their treasure to
Blackthorn in room 25f.

The werewolves are in cahoots with
Blackthorn and act as his agents to weed out
troublemakers in the fort. When Blackthorn
makes his move against Markessa they will
strike to eliminate Icar.

Werewolves (3): AC 5; MV 15"; HD 4+3;
hp 21 each; #AT 1; D 2-8; can only be hit
by silver or magical weapons
XP 310 each

25f. Blackthorn's Quarters
This room appears to be both an office
and the quarters of an officer. Seated at a
desk in the southeast corner of the room
is a very tall, gaunt, skeleton of a man
with ashen skin, sunken eyes, and balding
head. He is rubbing his long bony
hands together nervously and counting
stacks of coins on his desk. He looks up

This is Blackthorn, Markessa's captain of
the GUARD and treasurer. He is 7 feet tall and
has hunched shoulders. He seems barely to
fit into his wrinkled clothes and armor.
Upon sighting the party he will invite them
in, in a hollow voice, and ask them their

This rather cordial, ghastly looking man
is actually an ogre mage..polymorphed into
a human form. Blackthorn is LE and
was sent by the slave lords to keep an eye on
Markessa and this operation. Personally he
is appalled by her experiments and doubts
her abilities to run such a large operation,
but the business has remained profitable
and Blackthorn cannot see any excuse for
removing Markessa. However, he does not
like her && plots to eliminate her when the
slightest provocation presents itself. The
werewolves in room 25e have joined forces
with Blackthorn && they have made anyone
who contests his decisions quietly disappear.

Only Markessa knows that Blackthorn is
an ogre mage and agrees that it is best this
remain a secret to preserve her authority.

If Blackthorn thinks he can persuade the
party to do his dirty work and eliminate
Markessa, he will tell the party that he is
unhappy with her leadership and would be
willing to change sides, if the price were
right. If they agree, he will lead them to her
quarters and disappear once they confront
Markessa, leaving them to kill her while he
collects help to capture the party once they
have done the deed. If the party becomes
threatening, he will laugh at them, TURN
invisible, and attack the next round. If the
werewolves brought the party to this room
they will then change form and attack also.

This room has a desk && <padded> chair, a wardrobe,
2 <high> stools, a bed, a bookshelf, && a
sandbox with hot coals in it. In the northwestern
corner of the room is a potted plant
hanging from a chain. Raising the potted
plant will open the secret door in the north
wall. The plant is yellow && green && has
flowers that look like tufts of different color
hair. This plant is a present from Markessa,
a result of another experiment. If the broad
leaves are raised 3 ears && a mouth will
be discovered on its stalk. Markessa does
not trust Blackthorn’s motives and sent him
this plant to Listen in on his conversations.
At a command word from her it will relate
to her anything of interest it might have
overheard. Markessa checks once a day.

There are 300 gp on the desk along with
various ledgers recording the number of
coins in the treasury There is also a giant
glaive belonging to Blackthorn.

Blackthorn (ogre mage): AC 4; MV 9"/15";
HD 5+4; hp 32; #AT 1; D 1-12 by glaive
XP 1092

Blackthorn has the following abilities he
can USE at will: fly at 15" for up to 12 turns;
turn invisible; cause darkness 1"; polymorph
self to humanoid forms; and regenerate
1 HP per round. Once per day he
can also charm person, assume gaseous
form, and cast a cone of cold 6” long and 2”
wide at its end, for 8d8 points of damage.

25g. Treasure Room
The corridor ends in a blank wall. In the
center of the wall is a 1 foot x 1 foot
square hole. This shaft runs back into the
wall and seems to end in a chamber. On
the bottom of this shaft are 2 metal
bars running parallel to each other, 6
inches apart, back into the shaft. A thin
braided rope of metal dangles from its
mouth, and runs back into the shaft.

The chamber at the end of the shaft is the
treasury room for the jebli army. The
shaft is too small for any humanoid creature,
including a hobbit, to crawl through.
In the treasure room is a 5-foot-long table
set next to the shaft opening. The metal
tracks continue out of the shaft and onto the
table. Sitting on the table are 3 metal
boxes, 1 foot long, 1 foot wide, and 6 inches
tall. The boxes are connected together by
metal rope and each rests on a set of metal
wheels fitted onto the track. The metal rope
is attached to the front of the 1st box. A
2nd coil is attached to the back of the last
box and lies on the floor.

6 large chests, 2 metal coffers, && a
small, locked mahogany box are stacked in <Open Locks, PH>
the room. A small cot lies folded in one corner
and near the cot is a barrel of iron
rations and a skin of <good> wine. To deposit or
withdraw treasure, Blackthorn assumes
gaseous form and passes down the shaft.
Once inside the room, he changes back to
normal form and loads the treasure needed
into the metal carts. Markessa can then pull
the carts out by pulling on the rope or Blackthorn
could pull back in the carts with treasure
being deposited, using the other rope.
Blackthorn will then wait a day, and assume
gaseous form again and exit through the

The treasure in this room consists of the

Chest #1: 6,000 cp: unlocked, no trap.

Chest #2: 8,000 gp; locked; If the latch is <Open Locks, PH>
not held closed until the lid is raised, 3
darts fire from the front of the chest causing
1-3 points of damage, plus save vs. Poison or die.

Chest #3: 7,000 ep; locked, no trap. <Open Locks, PH>

Chest #4: 9,000 sp; unlocked, no trap.

Chest #5: 3,000 pp; unlocked; If the
weight is taken off the bottom of the box
without setting a safety catch in front, poison
gas will fill the alcove and remain for 12

Chest #6: Oil of etherealness,
clerical scroll of atonement <bone scroll case>, 5,000 gp,
8 sapphires worth 250 gp each, one ruby
worth 500 gp. The stones are uncut, and
their value can be quadrupled by a skillful
gemcutter/jeweler. The wealth in this chest belongs to
Icar, the fort commander. The chest is
locked and trapped with a poisoned needle
(save vs. Poison at -3 or die). The lock itself
is complex, reducing a thief‘s chance to open <Open Locks, PH>
it by 15%.

Coffer #1: 1 ruby worth 2,000 gp,
10 tourmalines worth 100 gp each,
<100, 100, 100, 100, 200, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100>
6 aquamarines worth 400 gp each,
an illusionist’s scroll of continual darkness, paralyzation,
shadow door, and veil. Locked with 3 <Open Locks, PH>
locks which must be opened in the proper
sequence (2-1-3) or the coffer will not open.

Coffer #2: Potion of longevity, potion of
white dragon control, philter of love, ring
of water walking. Wizard locked by
Markessa and only she, magickal means, or a
9th level or higher wizard can open it.

Wooden case: This mahogany wooden
case is locked. Inside is a crystal display jar. <Open Locks, PH>
The jar is sealed to a pewter stand and inside
it floats a coinlike amulet suspended in an
amber fluid. The amber fluid is a small
ochre jelly which has been altered. It cannot
live long in open air and will die in 6
rounds unless it comes in contact with a living
being. Then it will cling to the flesh
doing 1-4 points of damage per round until
it is destroyed by fire. The victim will take
full <fire> damage from any fire used as well. The
amulet has a power word--pain on it.
<this is a new power word>
<level = 7?>

All creatures within 20 feet of the user
must save vs. Rods when the word is
intoned, or else suffer wracking pains for 2-
8 rounds, causing them to fight at -4 to hit,
and making their AC 1 class worse. The
power word can only be used once per day
and the amulet must be held in the hand for
the power word to work.
<amulet of pain, XP: 1000?, GP: 7000?>
