6. Abandoned Storeroom

This room appears to be a storeroom.
The piles of trade goods are dust covered
and appear not to have been touched for
some time. Suddenly there is a hair-raising
moan and the clanking of chains
from the northeast comer of the room.
There a luminescent shape begins to
form the figure of a wasted olv struggling
with ghostly chains that hold him to the
wall. As the party watches, the figure
breaks its chains and comes rushing forward.

The figure is actually a phantom, a three-dimensional
image which appears similar to
a ghost or a haunt. Any creature who looks
at a phantom must save vs. Spells at -2 or
flee in terror as if affected by a fear spell. A
phantom is merely an image or mirage and
cannot attack nor react to other creatures.
Phantoms are soulless shells of creatures
who died hideous deaths and recreate
images of the death trial or images of what
the departed soul was thinking most about
when it died. The image does not move
from the spot where the creature died, but
replays the story like a 3-dimensional

This is the phantom of an olv..slave who
was being tortured in the torture chamber
and burst his bonds to escape. After the figure
breaks its chains and seems to rush forward
panting, its eyes gleaming madly, its
hands twisted into claws, it will turn and
appear to flee up stairs looking back wildly
over its shoulders. The elf then appears to
run down a corridor and around a corner to
a hallway with many doors. He scrabbles at
the latch to 1 door until it opens, terror
written all over his face. Into a room he
runs, but it appears to have no other exits.
Looking over his shoulder in stark horror he
beats the wall and attempts to tear a torch
holder off a wall. As he does so, a section of
the wall opens and he leaps through the gap
desperately. Behind him bound dark, hairy,
slavering forms, running on 4 legs.
Down a darkened passage the olv stumbles,
only the pale yellow of his eyes visible. Suddenly
there is light as the wall at the end of
the passage opens into a hall and he bursts
forth beating off the baying pack of wolves
that try to drag him down. Through an arch
he runs and there on his left is another door.
He pushes the door open, but too late, as a
great white wolf leaps upon his back and
bears him down into the storeroom, ripping
his throat. Then the mangled form of the
unfortunate slave is dragged off into a corner
to be devoured by the slavering wolves.

If the players watch the entire sequence
through they may figure out where the
secret door is located. If they leave the room
the sequence will not begin again for an

B. Secret Door
This secret door is opened by pressing on
a stone in the west wall at waist height. The
door is opened and closed from the inside by
a lever in the west wall.
